That's not just a nobody and you just destroyed her

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I walk in and all heads turn to look at me but I just ignore them and go to buy some fries from the lunch ladies before spotting Kelley sitting on a table in the far corner.

It seems like everyone is waiting to see where I chose to seat like this will make or break me but I honestly couldn't care less, I know full well where the popular table is and there's no chance I'm sitting with them.

"Hey freckles, this seat free?" I ask coming up behind Kelley

"n-no it's all yours," She says stuttering a little at the beginning.

"what's up Dan" I hear Ash says from a little down the table making me smile and grab her hand

"yo Ash, didn't know you knew freckles here" I say pointing a blushing Kelley next to me. Ash and I have business class together and we I instantly clicked, probably because we both cause trouble

"Yeah, well this is the soccer table your sitting at anyways," She says making me look around and see a much of other girls

"Sick, coach is letting me try out later this week," I say

"No way! You never said you played soccer" Ash asks surprised

"Yeah I have since I was like 5," I tell her happily.

"That's awesome! Let me introduce you to everyone." She says

"You've got the Freshmen here, Mal, Rose and Tierna, these guys are our little babies" Ash says making the three youngsters groan.

"Then you've got the Sophomores, Emily, Lindsey, Abby, Morgan, Sam and Julie. This lot still act like Freshman except Julie you would think she's a senior" Ash explains making the one who I presume is Julie smirk.

"Juniors are, Alex, Kelley, Tobin, Allie, Christen and I guess you too. Some are more mature than others" Ash says glaring at Kelley next to me

"and lastly there's us seniors, me, Ali, Carli, Hope and Becky" She finishes explaining

"well it's nice to meet you all I'm Dan," I say to the table.

"oh God here comes Satan herself," I think Ali mumble staring at someone behind me.

I turn around to see a girl strutting my way, high heels clicking against the wooden floor of the cafeteria and dressed head to toe in cheerleader uniform.

"Hi! You must be the new girl Dan, I'm Jaelene" She says in a ridiculously high pitched voice

"Hi?" I ask wondering why she's over here, to begin with.

"you should come to sit with us not these sleaze bags," She says turning her nose up at everyone in this table

"Yeah I'll pass on that one thanks," I say turning back around

"Excuse me, I'm Jaelene Hinkle, you don't just turn away from me bitch," She says and I can practically feel the smoke steaming off her body behind me

"Sorry to burst your bubble love, but I just did" I reply sticking a fry in my mouth.

"You'll regret not being my friend Dan and why'd you want to sit next to this orphan I don't know" She says hitting Kelley on the back of the head.

I turn and see Kelley try hard to not let any tears spill and that's what really gets me mad.

"Excuse me" I say not believing what this bitch has just said

"you heard me, she's just an orphan who doesn't have any parents because they knew you were trash when you were born, that's why they dumped your ass at an orphanage," She says smirking to herself and talking directly at Kelley.

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