I said let her go Jaelene, this is your last warning

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"Freckles," I say winking at Kelley as I walk past her in the hall trying to keep my back as straight as possible so no one gets suspicious of why I might suddenly be slouching over.

I turn the corner hoping to get to my locker quickly when I notice a big crowd forming further down the hall. I ignore it at first, not thinking much of it and carry on getting my books out, it's only when I hear people starting to chant I know a fight is about to break out.

My curiosity gets the better of me and I wander down wanting to have a quick peek at the action hoping it's going to be two jocks having a fight over some girl that neither of them will ever get.

"Just leave me alone Jaelene, you're seriously not worth my time" I hear a young girls voice say.

"What are you going to do about, go cry to you're big sister, she's too much of a pussy to stick up for herself too" I hear the annoying voice say back.

I push my way through the crowd to see Jaelene almost pinning this younger girl to the lockers, staring her down with a smirk on her face. I have to give it to the other girl because she doesn't look scared at all, just pissed off and rightly so.

"Back off Jaelene, just let the girl get to her class," I say stepping towards the school bully.

"Oh and if it isn't the new girl stepping in yet again," She says sarcastically turning to face me.

"Well you clearly didn't learn your lesson yesterday about bullying people," I say entering the circle that's seemed to have formed around the pair.

"I don't listen to low life's like you, I run this school, remember," she says trying to show her power. The young girl attempts to leave but Jealene grabs her shoulder and slams her back against the locker.

"I said let her go Jaelene, this is your last warning," I tell her getting incredibly more pissed off by the second.

"And what are you going to do," She says clicking her fingers and somehow summoning a few boys to her side.

"Actually fight someone unlike you or are you too scared you might break one of your nails," I say in a baby voice making a few people in the crowd 'ooh' at my comment.

"You're not even worth my time anyways" she scoffs and points to one of her boys. Thinking it's over I let my guard down not realising she's about to pick up a giant textbook and slam it into the girl's side.

"You bitch!" I seethe out at her and storm up pulling my hand back ready to send her flying across the corridor but one of her minions gets in the way and I end up punching him in the face instead.

He looks up at me in anger, his nose bleeding and a cut on his cheek, but we hear teachers coming around the corner so everyone scatters pretty quickly, not wanting to explain it to any adults.

"Hey, let's get you looked at," I say to the girl putting my arm under her shoulder and lifting her off the floor.

"I hate that girl with a burning passion" She grits out as we slowly walk to the girl's bathroom.

"Tell me about it and I've only been here for two days" I reply getting a small laugh out of the girl that quickly turns to one of pain

"Sorry, sorry" I apologize not wanting to hurt her anymore.

I push open the doors to the bathroom and see a few girls doing their makeup, they turn their heads to look at us and turn their noses up when their eyes land on the younger girl I'm carrying.

"Who said the slut was invited," One of them says causing the others to chuckle like hyenas

"You better wash your mouth out with soap before I do it for you," I tell the girls keeping a scary look on my face and my voice low that causes them to frantically nod their heads and scramble out.

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