Maybe I should have left the pair of you in New York

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"Why does it feel like I've been hit by a truck?" I groan out rubbing my eyes having just woken up

"That would be the mountain load of alcohol you consumed last night," Kelley says rolling over so she's laying on top of me

"ah yeah, it's coming back to me now, why did I have a drinking contest with Zach he's like twice my size," I say making Kelley chuckle

"I'm surprised we even got into that club, how did the bouncers let us in?" Kelley says

"We has just won worlds, maybe they thought we were older than we actually are," I say not knowing how we got away with it either.

"How's the ankle this morning babe?" Kelley asks and I go to move it slightly but met with a sharp pain

"Erm a lot worse than I expected actually" I reply letting out a nervous chuckle as Kelley grows concerned.

She pulls back the covers to show my ankle having doubled in size and turning a blue and green colour up my leg

"Babe! You said you just fell on it funny, this looks really bad!" Kelley gasps out

"it wasn't that bad yesterday and all the alcohol kind of numbed the pain," I say while she glares at me

"You're unbelievable, I'm getting the trainers to have a look at it," She says and walks out our room

A few minutes later our trainer walks in along with a couple of the girls as they all start looking over my ankle

"How have you been able to walk on this Dan, it's in really bad shape," The trainer says looking at my foot in disbelief

"I don't know, it wasn't that bad until I tried to move it this morning," I say gritting my teeth as she pokes at it

"you probably fucked it up more when you were dancing on the stage with Ash last night," Tobin says making me smirk at the memory

"that was totally worth it" I grin high fiving Ash

"I can't do much with it now since we're flying out in a couple of hours so I'll strap it up and give you some crutches," The trainer says and leaves to get her stuff

"I hate crutches with a passion, can I not just get Kelley to push me around all day" I whine out looking at my girlfriend

"I look after you enough, I'm not being your slave for the day too," She says raising eyebrows up at me

"you weren't saying that last night when I took care of you" I reply giving he a quick wink as she blushes profusely

"I did not need to know that Dan, Jesus Christ," Alex says gagging at my comment

"it's not like you and Serv didn't get it on last night too," I say back and Alex mouth stats opening and closing like a fish clearly having been caught out

"Why don't we all stop talking about our sex lives and get ready for the flight back home," Kelley says ushering the people out of our room.

"You're a handful and a half you now right?" She says standing a the end of the bed with her arms folded over her chest

"Yes but you love me for it," I say grinning ear to ear at her

"I suppose I do" She replies jokingly rolling her eyes and leaning forward to kiss my lips

After the trainer comes back in and wraps up my ankle giving me some drugs for the pain also, Kelley carries both our bags down to reception while I trail behind on my crutches

"Dang, what happened to you Dan?" Charlie asks as the boys all see us

"It was that Australian player from the game, he messed up my ankle bad," I tell them, giving them a quick hug

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