Yeah I am and I've clearly got bigger balls than you

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"Are you looking forward to your first football practice tonight?" Kelley asks me as we get our food from the canteen.

"I'm ready to show those boys up that's for sure," I say smirking as I glance at the football and cheerleading table

We grab our meals and walk through the canteen past Jealenes' little troop where I spot the guy I punched this morning sporting a very nice bruised cheek and nose.

"You've got a little something there," I mouth to him, guesting to that area on his face.

He tries to get out of his seat but is held back by some other lads.

"What a complete jock," I say chuckling at how hard he's trying to act

"You have a death wish Dan I swea,r" Kelley says shaking her head as we walk to our table.

"Oh I know but it makes life a little more exciting" I wink at her as we arrive at the table

"Everyones talking about this morning you know Dan," Hope says as I eat my lunch

"Really? I don't want the head to find out about it" I groan not wanting my first strike to be on my second day here

"You don't have to worry too much, the teachers normally don't bat an eyelid unless they actually see it," Ali says speaking up

"Its just that Mr Davis gave me three strikes for fighting before he expels me," I tell them all

"He doesn't normally do that with new students," Mal says sounding confused

"Yeah well I may have a history in my previous schools," I say maybe a little too proudly

"Schools! How many have you been too?" Alex asks me

"Been to about 7 since my Freshman year, three were for fights and the other four was because we moved" I say keeping the information about me to a minimum

"That's a lot of schools" Kelley says shocked

"Yep, but it does mean I'm a school canteen coinsure and I have to say you have the best one" I reply filling my mouth again.

"We're going off-topic here I want to know what exactly is Hope talking about?" Ash asks me

"Oh I just punched one the guys that sit on the devil's table," I say

"I'm sorry you what!" Tobin asks chocking on her drink

"Yeah Jaelene was picking on a younger year and I'd had enough so tried to stop it but she hit the girl with her book, I went to swing at her but one of her guys stepped in so I got his face instead" I explain glancing at Alex when I'm telling it

"And that younger year happened to be my idiotic sister who can't stay out of trouble," Alex says making me laugh a little.

"I would've paid good money to see you punch her" Carli speaks up as everyone hums in agreement.

"Wow, you guys really hate her don't you?" I say chuckling, I have people I hate don't get me wrong but these guys are very open about it.

"She's made everyone's lives hell in this school for as long as we can remember and it's only until yesterday where I haven't actually been shoved by her or her little possy at some point during the day. Whatever you said to her yesterday must have stuck a little" Christen explains to me

"Does she really run the school that much that no one will stand up to her?" I ask surprised people allow someone to push them around as much as Jaelene does

"Every time you try and report her it will just backfire onto you, her dad basically owns the whole town plus like a million and one businesses around the country and can get her out of anyhting. Practically all the teachers lick her arse so will turn a blind eye if they see something. If you do end up reporting her you might as well just kiss freedom goodbye because she'll end up doing something to get you expelled. That's what happened to the last kid anyways" Freckles says to me

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