I've never really done any of this before, I have no clue how it works

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Sorry to bother you at this
time but Emelia is in a lot of pain
and I'm unsure of what to do,
could you come over and take a
look at her? - Alex

Absolutely, give me your address
and I'll be over soon

Thank you so much! I'll send it now
come round the back and I'll open
my window

Once I've got Alexs address I realise it's only a couple of blocks away from mine so I drive there pretty quickly dodging in and out of the traffic.

I finally get to her house and head round the back spotting a room with the lights on. I notice the tree right next to her window so I climb up it and spot it's open and inch. I slide the glass back and climb through with my bag on my back.

"I'm so sorry about this, I would try and help but I really have no clue what I'm doing and Emelia said you did," Alex says a panicked look on her face

"it's not a problem Al, you guys only live a couple of blocks away and I was heading home from practice anyways." I say

"Oh yeah, how did it go," Emelia asks through gritted teeth as she lies on the bed

"Good actually, I'm the new quarterback and Davidson, Woods and Lawson all got kicked off the team" I answer walking over to her

"Lawsons the one you hit right?" Alex asks

"Yep he had a nice busted nose and cheek," I tell them happily.

"Let's have a look at you shall we," I say and lift up Emelia's top

"I bent down earlier to pick up my books and then I felt something just like, pop" She explains as I run my fingers over her ribs again

"uh-huh, it looks like one of your ribs has shifted out of place, it was probably already weak from when you were hit but bending down gave it the final push" I say trying to figure out how to go about this next

"so what do we do know, we can't let it stay like that can we?" Alex asks concerned

"No so we are going to move it back into place. Emelia, I need you to bite down on this, Alex sit here and take your sister hand so she can squeeze it please" I tell the two siblings and hand Emelia some bandage to bite down on.

"On the count of three, I'm going to put it back into place, okay," I say as calmly as possible while Emelia nods her head up and down.

"One." I say and watch as she takes a sharp breath in

"two," I say next and quickly push down hard on her rib

She lets out a muffled scream but is quickly soothed back down by Alex running her fingers through her hair.

"it's all done now, back into place like before," I say not liking to have had to do that any bit myself

"That hurt like a bitch" Emelia says chuckling slightly

"I know, it's not a very nice thing to do. I'll wrap some more support around your ribs and give you some more painkillers but just take your movements very slowly from now on okay?" I tell her sternly

"Got it" she replies as I wrap up her midsection

"Look after her and make sure she doesn't do anything too stupid," I say to Alex

"don't worry, she's not leaving my sight" Alex says glaring at her younger sister

"alright well I'll see you two at school," I tell them and say my goodbyes before climbing back down out her window and quietly walking back to my bike.

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