Because I have it in permanent ink on the side of my body

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It's National finals time and the team are all getting pumped up in the locker room, raring and ready to get out on the field and win the trophy for the first time in school history.

The team chemistry has been amazing since Kelley and I sorted things out we've all become closer than ever and I'm so glad I didn't push them away any further than I had.

The boys all travelled down to support us today which means the world to everyone, we've really connected as a group and everyone has slowly started leaving behind Jaelene and her crew, realising it's not worth being the with the most popular when you have a true friendship.

I'm sitting by Alex as she's doing the tape on my wrist, both of us not saying anything to the other

"you okay Morgan?" I ask once she's finished

"a little nervous if I'm honest, there are college scouts here and I really want to impress them," Alex tells me

"you're the best forward we have Lex, you'll get countless offers from colleges I promise," I say placing my hand on her knee

"thanks Parker" She replies pulling me in for a hug

I take my seat back down next to Kelley and pick up her hand, placing a small kiss on her knuckles making her blush like usual

"Are you ever not going to blush Freckles," I say laughing with her.

"Probably not, I can't help it!" She says back blushing even more

I decide to stop teasing her and wait for coach to tell us the plan for today's game. He puts me in the starting line up and along the left-hand side so Kelley and I can link up like we've been doing well in training.

We walk out the tunnel to a packed out crowd and see our boys jumping high in the air getting a laugh out of many of us for their stupid behaviour.

I high five Alex as she passes by and gets into her position up top next to Carli while I look back and send Kelley a quick smile.

"quickly get a drink girl!" Coach yells at us while one of the other girls is down on the floor receiving medical attention

"I can feel another goal coming so we just need to push through the last 5 minutes or so okay?" he tells us as we desperately try to rehydrate.

"I can't get past their number 10, she just bulldozers me over every time" I pant out, emptying the rest of the water onto my head

"use that to your advantage, when she's about to barge you over just slide out of the way and let her humiliate herself," Coach tells me and I nod my head listening to him closely.

"its 2-2 ladies, we're not losing 5-0 so keep your heads up and get us a national championship to bring back home!" Coach yells as we all get back onto the pitch.

They take their freekick quickly and start to try and progress up the field but Julie cuts it out of their possession easily and lays it off to me on the left.

Kelley and I do a few one-two touches to each other drawing in their players before she sends it over their head and letting me power off forward.

Just like last time the number 10 is charging towards me, not even looking at the ball this time and straight my legs so I wait until she's close enough to almost make an impact and quickly step to one side sending her flying to the floor as I charge forward.

Kelley ended up travelling with me to help out and I can see her running into the perfect spot at the back post. I time my strike and connect my foot with the ball, watching it loop over everyone's head and straight to Kelley who buries it into the top netting.

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