I've been doing this for over 3 years Alex, imagine how I feel

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"Have you got everything we need, this can't go wrong Parker?" Alex says somewhat panicked as she sits in the driver's seat of her car

"Morgan chill out please, I've got it all planned out you just need to smile and nod your head okay?" I say trying to calm her nerves down.

Alex and I are currently driving up to Hackley's storage unit in hopes to find out more about what Christopher Hinkle is keeping in here. We told everyone else that we're going to visit my parents grave so they know not to call us anytime soon.

"what do you reckon he's keeping in here, it has to be a large amount of stuff if he needs a place like this" Alex says to me

"I don't have a clue, I don't think he keeps his drugs in here but it could be important plans that need to be kept away from people," I say as more of a question than answer

"how has it been with Jaelene by the way?" Alex asks making conversation

"hard! I never knew how difficult it is to refrain from doing something to her before now. I swear every time I hear her breath I want to slap her into next week" I say earning a chuckle from Alex

"I myself miss listening to you roast the shit out of her sometimes but we know we can't anymore," Alex says turning seriously

"I know Alex, I'm not jeopardising everything for some snotty bitch who has daddy issues," I say

We arrive at the huge building and Alex and I climb out of the car before walking into the very professional looking building. I lead Alex to the receptionist first

"hey, how may I help you ladies" The woman behind the desk asks

"we're looking to rent out a unit?" I say confidently

"Okay, may I ask what for," She says looking at us weirdly probably because we are so young.

"We own part of a company and we need a large space to store our items, that won't be a problem will it?" I say keeping my ground

"not at all, is there a specific size you'd like, we go up by 5 feet all the way to 40" the woman explains, I go to reply but Alex beats me to it

"I think 20 would be the size we are looking for," Alex says flashing a smile

"that's fine, we have a couple free that we can show you too?" she says

"that would be great, thank you," I say and the woman gets to the thing on her computer before someone come over and offered to take us there.

"Why did you say that size?" I whisper to Alex as we follow behind the man

"just trust me," She says back and we smile at the man who turns to glance at us.

"This is the first one, it has more insulation than the others if that's something you're looking for" The guy explains

"not really necessary with what we want to be storing," I say and let him lead us to the next.

"This has a built-in heating and cooling system to keep your contents at the perfect temperature" He explains and I shake my head no

"that's not necessary for us either," I tell him and he nods his head in understanding before walking off again.

"This is you're most standard room, has a ventilation system so mould doesn't become an issue," He tells us lifting up the door to show us the room

"that's really important for these items of clothing," Alex said pretending to be interested in the place

"do you mind if we have a think about it, talk through our options for a second?" I ask the guy sending him a kind looking smile

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