I've got no one left, I'm just done

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"don't get too close he's going to see us!" Alex whisper shouts as we follow behind Mick in her car, all my car lights off.

"Alex, I'm right by the curb, he's literally 100 metres in front of us and I'm driving like 1 mile an hour were good," I say trying to calm down the girl next to me

"you seem to be forgetting that this guy has killed half dozen people Dan" Alex replies with, I'm about to respond when we watch Mick walk into an old building.

"let's go," I say to Alex climbing out my car and following behind him.

We crouch down as we get closer to the building, going around the side to see if there's a window we can see through and watch what Mick could be doing

"look, there's a broken window there" Alex whispers pointing ahead of us. I follow behind her as we both peer over the ledge trying to get a better look.

"You're lucky I wasn't doing anything, why did we need to meet so urgently," Mick says unhappily to the two other guys he's talking to

"boss is moving forward the delivery date, we need to get it ready in time by then," One of the guys says

"How early are we talking," Mick asks and I glance at Alex who has the same confused expression on her face that I do

"12 weeks time, and it has to be the full order too," the other one says causing Mick to groan

"he better be paying me more for this, we're just going to have to work more hours to get it done in time" Mick replies.

"We should get out of here before they leave" I whisper to Alex who nods her head in agreement. We start walking away when Alex accidentally kicks a glass bottle to the side.

We both freeze in place, shit.

"what the hell was that?" I hear one of the guys inside say.

I grab Alex's hand and run back towards her car, quickly opening the trunk and climbing in with her. She goes to say something but I shake my head and put my hand over her mouth.

"Check that car, it wasn't there before" We hear someone say causing me to hold my breath

I feel Alex's hold on my top get tighter and I know she's scared, just as much as I am but I need to be strong right now for her.

"There's no one in here boss" one of the guys says and I can see the reflection of the flashlight through the gaps of the trunk

"search the area if there was someone here they can't have gotten far" Mick says and we wait until we can't hear anymore footsteps before getting out the trunk and driving straight off.

I don't think either one of us knows what to say, I mean what would happen if we had gotten caught?

"I'm so sorry Alex I should never have called you, this is too dangerous for anyone to get involved," I say feeling horrible for what I've just put Alex through

"no you don't get to do that Dan, I chose to come with you it's my choice to put myself in danger," She says turning to look at me sternly

"I think we both need some sleep and we'll talk about it later," She says as I pull up outside her house and park her car in the driveway

"Okay, I'll catch you on Monday then Alex," I say hugging the girl a little longer than usual, glad no one was hurt.

I run off back home, wanting to get there before Mick does and I make it just in time for him to follow in behind me a couple of minutes later. I stay outside my room wanting to listen in just in case something happens and I like I suspected he goes straight to call someone.

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