You've got three strikes and then you're out

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"Get out of my house before I throw you out myself!" My stepmom yells at me as I grab my phone and slam the front door behind me.

"You're in for it when you get home missy!" She shouts, storming out the door and trying to come after me.

I just hop onto my motorcycle and flash her the middle finger before riding off to school not wanting to listen to her shit for any longer.

This is my first day at a new school and I can't handle Brittney right now. It's my third school this year and my patience for it all is wearing very thin. I don't know the reason we move as much as we do but it has to do with Micks job so I don't question it

Brittany is my foster mom, and her drug dealer boyfriend is Mick. I've lived with the pair since I was 14 and it's been hell since day one, Mick likes to beat me up a lot of the time and Brittney doesn't do anything to stop it. As soon as I turn 18 next year, I'm leaving

According to Mick, this is a very posh school that most students have to pay tuition for unless they're on a scholarship, how he got me in or why I don't know but anything will be better than my last one, there was at least one knife fight every week.

I pull up to the school entrance and park my bike in a free spot watching as all the students stare at me probably asking all their friends who the mystery person is.

I take off my helmet and shake my head, letting my hair fall loosely to my shoulders while straightening out the collar to my leather jacket and tightening the flannel that's wrapped around my waist.

I make the famous first-day movie walk up the school steps and into the hell that's known as school. Apparently, they aren't used to many newcomers as most of the heads turn to look at me in surprise.

I do however spot a girl looking at me a little star struck so I walk over in her direction and flash my signature smile, leaning against the lockers before facing her.

"Hey, you couldn't tell me where the main office is now could you?" I ask, placing my hand in my back pocket

"i-its d-down the hall on the l-left" She manages to stutter out quickly avoiding eye contact.

"Thanks," I say winking at her before wandering down the hall, my helmet in hand and keys spinning around my finger.

I always find it funny how some girls, and guys, always get so flustered around me like yeah maybe I do look hot and ride a motorcycle but I'm still just me. Once I find the main office I head to the old lady on reception.

"Hello ma'am I'm here to pick up my timetable?" I ask as nicely as possible, just because I act a certain way for other people doesn't mean I don't respect people who deserve it.

"ah, you must be Donatella Parker," She says giving me a sweet smile

"I just go by Dan but yes that is me," I say hating my full name with a passion. I love my mom but she really wanted to give me a hard life when she chose that name

"Well, Dan, here's your timetable for the day sweetie. Do you need any help getting to your first class?" The nice woman asks

"I think I'll be fine thank you though ma'am," I say taking my timetable of her.

"Okay sweetie, this is your locker number and code, it's just down the hallway and in your right." She says passing me another piece of paper

"well that's everything from me, you just need to go speak with headmaster Davis before your first lesson," she tells me and point towards his office door.

"I appreciate all your help ma'am, have a nice day," I say and knock on his door

I hear a faint come in so I open the door and see a man look up at me from his chair.

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