Is it really him? Is he the one who runs this crazy thing?

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"babe? Are you okay" Kelley asks snapping me out my daze.

The girls are all looking at me concerned probably because it looks like I've seen a ghost

"y-yeah I'm fine, I'll see you in lesson" I quickly reply before walking off.

I take a quick right out of the school gates and to my usual spot behind the school where I slump down against the bricks.

Jaelenes father is the one who works with Mick and he's the boss man, Camden Hackley is an acronym for Christopher Hinkle and that means he probably knows who killed my father.

My mind seems to be racing a million miles an hour trying to process everything I've just learned. The year's of investigating my dad murder to find out who was involved and I always thought I was so far away from figuring it out but someone's been under my nose this entire time.

I pull out a cigarette from my pocket and light it up, hoping it will calm my nerves a little and clear my head slightly

"Dan?" I hear Kelley say from a distance, I flick my cig to one side and blow the smoke out my mouth

"Why aren't you going to the lesson?" I ask my girlfriend as she comes closer

"I was worried about you, I've never seen you look so, scared before," Kelley says sitting down next to me

"Jaelenes father just reminded me of someone I used to know," I tell her, hoping she'll believe the lie

"do you want to talk about it?" Kelley asks tentatively, slipping her hand into mine

"not right now" I reply and lean my head on her shoulder as we stare into the woods in front

"as much as I love sitting here with you, we really should head to the lesson," she says kissing my cheeks and standing up to offer her hands out

"I'm going to make you skip class one day," I say smiling at her

"maybe one day but it's definitely not today," She says smiling back and taking my hand as we walk back in and to the second lesson.

The whole time I don't say a word, my usual loud voice isn't heard in the classroom as my mind is stuck on what I saw this morning. I know I need to find Alex and fast.

I told Kelley I need to speak with Alex about home stuff and quickly run out the classroom trying to get to the end of her class before I lose her in the crowds. I make it just in time to see her walking out with Mal by her side

"I need to borrow Alex," I say and grab her hand pulling her away before anyone can reply

"what the hell Dan! Where are we going" She says as I look around to check if anyone looking at us

I push her into the janitors closet and lock the door behind so no one can interrupt us before turning to look at a slight angry Morgan

"I really don't appreciate you kidnapping me and then shoving me in the smallest cupboard the school has" Alex says crossing her arms over her chest

"not now Alex this is serious," I say and watch her face drop at my tone

"whats happened Dan?" She asks concerned

"you saw Jaelenes father coming out of Mr Davis office this morning right?" I ask Alex

"Yeah, of course, but what has this got to do with anything" Alex replies

"he's scare face Alex, he's the guy who was at my house a couple of months back having that meeting with Mick" I say and watch as Alex's mouth drops open

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