You destroying the joint isn't going to help anyone Kelley

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Kelley's POV

I check my watch again as sit in our usual booth at the Diner we agreed to meet at over 30 minutes ago. Dan isn't a person who's late and when she is I always get a text to tell me yet I haven't got anything

"can I get you anything Kelley?" Stacy the usual lady that takes Dan and I's order when we're here asks

"not yet Stacy, just waiting for Dan to arrive first," I say sending her a warm smile 

"no problem sweetie, let me know if you need anything," she says and walks off to order another table.

The minutes start to count down longer and longer and it's now been 45 minutes since she was meant to meet me and I'm really starting to worry. I've called her phone a dozen times and it just rings out until it goes to her voicemail.

I decide to ring Alex too, hoping she might know where my girlfriend is and tell me why the hell she's running so late but just like Dan the calls goes to voicemail.

I'm fed up of waiting around any longer so I put $5 on the table before leaving and calling one person who might also know where the pair could be

"Hey Kelley, everything okay?" Tobin asks on the other end

"I'm not really sure Tobs, have you heard from either Dan or Alex in the last couple of hours since the game," I say walking down the street

"no, nothing since we waved them goodbye in the locker room, can you not reach them?" She asks knowing it's weird for either one of them to not have their phones on

"I've tried them both and it just rings until it reaches the voicemail, I was meant to meet Dan almost an hour ago at our spot but she never showered" I explain looking around getting quite nervous about this all

"that's not like Dan at all, if she's ever late you always get a text" Tobin mumbles out

"what if somethings happened Tobin, what if they're in trouble that's why they're not answering their phone," I say getting a little panicked over it

"Kelley calm down for me okay, I'm sure it's nothing and they're both just busy and forgot about it all, why don't I call a few of the girls asking if they've heard anything from either of them," Tobin says coming up with a plan

"Okay that's great, I'm calling the boys and do the same thing," I say

After spending the next 20 minutes or so ringing as many if the boy's phone numbers I have saved I come out empty-handed still, nobody has heard from the pair and even Servando was expecting Alex to turn up but she didn't either

"We need to find them Tobs, let's go to their house and see if they're there with Pam and Em" I tell her over the phone

"okay Kel, I'll see you there" She replies before hanging up and I don't wait anytime in running to my girlfriends and best friends house

When I arrive I see some of the team's cars already in the driveway letting me know they're already here and most likely told Pam that we can't find her daughters

I open the door and walk in wanting to know what's happening now

"Please tell me somebody knows where they are?" I ask talking into the room full of people

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