Get in position then fellas, we're doing the Charlie

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"And team USA have done it again they've won their final match of the group stage putting them clear on top and the highest score out of all groups"

"They have been a great team to watch play this tournament so far and let's talk about that Health catch at the end of the game, I think that's got a real chance of winning best catch what do you think Ricky?"

"Most definitely, being able to jump that high and catch it one-handed over her player is something not many players can do. I'm excited to see how she'll play against the tougher opponents"

"Me too Ricky, this team have really set the bar for all competitors and dare I say it but I think this is the best team USA have had competing, we may have a chance to win this one"

"That was an awesome game Dan" Kelsey says as I come up to the family and friends box to see her

"Thanks Kelseys, your coming to the next game right?" I ask the younger girl

"Of course! I can't wait to watch you beat another team" She says smiling up at me.

I sling my arm over her shoulder and we chat for a bit before I need to head back some and get on the bus for recovery. I take my seat next to Tobin

"that last catch was just stupidly good," I say making her laugh

"I didn't even realise I caught it until I hit the floor," She tells me

"if that doesn't win the best catch of the tournament then I don't know what would," I say smirking at her but she waves me off being too modest

When we arrive back we're sent straight to recovery not even getting a chance to see our girl's but we have a chill-out afternoon so it's okay.

The boys are all laughing and joking about some stupid thing probably but I can't seem to stop thinking about Christopher Hinkle and my dad.

My dad worked for Christopher Hinkle and somebody who's involved in his business killed my father, that can't be a coincidence, there has to be some connection with what my dad was doing and the reason why he was killed

"Dan!" Tobin shouts snapping me out my daze

"Sorry Tobs, what we're you saying?" I ask not realising she was talking to me

"It's fine dude, I was just telling you we're finished in here now" She tells me and I climb out the ice bath.

I head back up to my room where I know Kelley will be waiting for me and I plan to get straight into that bed. I open the door and see Kelley lying down scrolling on her phone

"Hey babe! You played amazing today like always" Kelley says full of energy to me

"too tired" I groan out and collapse next to her.

She just chuckles at me and puts her phone down to run her fingers up and down my back, something she knows helps relax me.

"what are we doing now?" I ask Kelley, mumbling it into the pillow as wait for her to tell me

"absolutely nothing, I planned on staying here and cuddling with you," She tells me and I hum happily liking the sound of  that

Apparently, somebody else doesn't because there's soon a knock on my door and Kelley goes up to answer it.

"Babe, it's Alex with your mom in the phone," Kelley tells me.

I haven't spoken to mom in a couple of days since we've both been busy so I know I need to get out of bed and go speak with her.

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