Chapter 15

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Autumn's POV

I woke up and daddy is already gone.
look over to see a note on his pillow.

            Hey baby, so daddy had do go do some alpha stuff I'll be back as soon as I can, there is a surprise that is coming for you today, but you are not allowed to open it till daddy gets home. I love you and will see you when I get home.

I go down stairs to fix my breakfast, I deside to make pancakes with chocolate chips, with some fruit. Then I go watch cartoons and color and paint. I run upstairs and grabs my glitter. Then when I get down stairs I try to open it but it won't open. Then I try harder and it pops open and spills everywhere causing me to cry. Then the doorbell rings so I straighten myself out and goes to see who it is and its daddies mom so I open the door and she looks around.

"Hey sweetie"

"Hewos Mrs. Daddys momma."

"Please sweetie call me Amber, or mom after all we are family."

"Otays." I say then she goes into the living room.

"Oh no that explains the glitter all over you. You had a glitter explosion didn't you little one?" I just nodded. "Bow be honest was it on purpose or and accident?"

"It was on accident me sweaws."

"Okay little one let's get it cleaned up the best we can before your daddy gets home shall we?" I nod and we get the stuff to clean it up. Then the doorbell rings and daddies mom goes to open it. "Oh looks like someone has a package. Shall we open it?" I then remember what the letter daddy left said. And I shake my head no.

"Daddy said me nu open it till he get home."

"Oh okay wouldn't want to get in trouble with your daddy now would we?"

"Nu me nu wanna be bad giwl."

"Okay well how about I go get your bath ready so you can get all the glitter off you?"

"Okie me will finish cleaning down hewe."

"Okay little one." I finish cleaning then Amber calls me for my bath so I run up there and get in the bath. "I'll go lay you out an outfit for today." I smile and nod. Then when I get out I see she played out a onesie and a tutu with my princess paci. I smile and get dressed. Then I go down stairs. "Awww look at how precious you look little one. Come and I'll do your hair." I go to her then she does two buns and puts little flowers in them. "There all done."

"Fanku Ambew." I say then gives her a big hug.

"You welcome little one. Now how about we watch some cartoons?"

"Hehe yesh pwease."

"Okay little one." She turns on the cartoons and then we watch them till we are fast asleep.

"Wake up princess." I hear daddy's voice. I open my eyes and jump into daddies arms. "Aww you look cute. Who chose your outfit and done your hair?"

"Chu momma did daddy."

"Oh okay sweetie. You ready to open your surprise?"

"Mmhms pwease daddy." He smiles and hands me the small box. I open it and it's a paci that says daddys wolf. With a picture of a wolf on it. "I wov it daddy fanku!!"

"Your welcome sweety. I love you."

"Me wovs chu too daddy."

"Hey sweety why is there glitter in your hair?"

"Me had an accidental glitter explosion, bu me an chu momma cleaned it up."

"Oh okay sweetie." Daddy says then kisses me.

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