Chapter 2

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Autumn's POV

Today I turn 18 and I can finally find my mate. I decide to go to the diner that my dad use to own before he was killed by rouges. I have made it a tradition to spend my birthday at the diner since I turned 15. When I walk into the diner I get an over whelming scent of apple cider and forest trees. Its a weird, but intoxicating scent. Everyone is just going about their business but one person and that's the guy from yesterday, and he is looking right at me. As we make eye contact I realize that he is my mate. So I do the first thing that pops into my head, and run out the door. But what happens next surprises me more, and that's I bump into my uncle who I have not seen since my dad died. I just keep running and I go into the woods. When I get there I realize I'm being followed by my mate. When he catches up to me he pounces on me. And his touch sends shocks all through me. He mind links me and commands me to shift into my human form while he does the same.

William's POV

Well. well, well, my mate is a little how lucky am I? I also cant believe its the girl from yesterday she so adorable. And she's all mine, my little, my princess, my little Luna, and I can't wait to mark her. once we both shift back into human form I just grab her and kiss her.

"You are all mine little one." I say as she blushes. "Please just say you will be mine?"

"I really don't have much of a choice now do I?" She said all cockily.

"Well not really." I say then pick her up and carry her to were I'm staying while I'm intown. "we will be leaving for my pack tomorrow evening. Is there anything you need besides your stuff, or anyone you need to say bye to baby girl?"

"Uh no, my mom died while giving birth to me, and my dad was killed 5 years ago by rouges. And I have no friends."

"Awwww baby I'm sure you will have friends where we are going maybe even other little friends." She just smiled and clapped her hands, I just melted at the sight. My princess.

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