Chapter 12

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Autumn's POV (a few weeks later)

I have not been feeling good all week. I have been tired and been taking naps constantly and daddy has asked me if I am okay and I keep saying yes. Today he is making me go to the doctor, but I really don't wanna go.

"Babygirl it's time for your doctor appointment."

"Okies daddy me ready." And he grabs my hand and we walk to the pack doctor.

"Good Afternoon Alpha, Luna."

"Good Afternoon Izzy." And we wait for a few minutes before the nurse comes out and calls us back. The doctor does a full examination and says he can't find nothing so he ran a few test.

"The test results should be ready in a few hours."

"Thank you doctor." And with that said we leave and daddy takes me to dairy queen to get some ice cream. And then we go back home because daddy has to work. And then the doctor calls and I pick up the phone.

"Hello Luna?"

"Yes doctor?"

"Your results are in, and you are......"

I will publish again in 24 hours come back and see what happens
And also tell me what y'all think that the doctor is going to say. 😊😊😊😊

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