Chapter 20

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William's POV

Today is the big day. Me and Autumn are finally getting married its hard to believe that soon she will be having our twins and be Mrs.Black. I honestly can not wait. She is going to be an amazing wife and mother. As I get ready I cant help but be nerves I'm about to becomes someone's husband. then its time. I go stand at the alter with my best friend and all my groomsman. As the flower girl and the ring bearer walk down the isle my heart starts to beat faster this is really happening. Then all the bridesmaids come down the isle then the wedding march starts and everyone stands and Autumn starts walking and the moment I see her I cant hold back the tears. She looks so beautiful. Once she gets to me I pull her into I quick kiss and everyone laughs. "You look stunning princess." she blushes and then the officiator starts to talk.

"I believe they chose to write their own vows, William you start."

"Autumn, princess, since the day we met in that little diner I knew I wanted you but I did not know we were mates. Your smile is contagious. And I'll be here to make you smile for the rest of your life. You have became my life, the reason I wake up every morning. I will take care of you till my last breath then after in death. Our kids will be my life as well. I love you Autumn."

"Ok Autumn please say your vows."

"William, since the day we met you have done nothing but made me smile, you are my life and soul I'm so glad to be carrying your kids. I will always stand by you and never leave your side. You are my now and my forever. I love you forever and always."

"Do you William Timothy Black take Autumn Louise Winters to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Autumn Louise Winters take William Timothy Black to be your lawfully wedded Husband, to love and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife-" I then grab Autumn and kiss her. "You may NOW kiss your bride"

We then head to the reception to enjoy it. Then off to out honeymoon."


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Ok the next chapter will be their honeymoon ;)

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Ok the next chapter will be their honeymoon ;)

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