Chapter 30

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Victoria's P.O.V
I finally got my cast off! Me and Nash get home and I push open the doors and say," I got my cast of bitches!"

Nash smacks me across the head and says,"stop fucking cussing!"

"You just cussed."

"That's different."


"Cuz I'm 16 almost 17"

"Oh wow 3 years!" I say

I go up stairs and throw myself on my bed and just think then I get up and I look at my self in the mirror and I see a scar on my neck I've always wondered how I got that.

"Hey sis." says Nash


"What are you doing?" He asks me

"Nash do you know I got this scar?"

Nash stayed quiet and didn't answer me

"Nash how did I get this scar?" I say more frustrated

"When you were about 5 and I had just turned 8 dad came home drunk one day and him and mom were yelling and dad grabbed you and held a knife to your neck until he made a little slit and he finally stopped Will picked you up and he took you up stairs and cleaned you up and ever since that day I've never been able to forgive dad to what he did to you."

"But how come I don't remember any of this." I asked nash

"Because mom took you to this place to you could forget everything that happened that day that's why you don't remember."

I stayed quiet and I didn't say a word I just stared at the floor and just think about what Nash just told me and it all came to me, when we went back to North Carolina that's why dad didn't want to go take me to visit dad.


Sorry for a short chapter but I'm staring to run out of ideas, anyways yesterday I went to the parade and I came out in it obvi and I came out with my band, yes I'm in marching band guys.

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