Chapter 14

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Victoria's P.O.V

I was getting ready for the TCA because Nash,Cameron,Matt,Shawn,Hayes,and I were nominated and I go nominated for Biggest Brake out and Best Viner and for vine it i was nominated with hayes because we have our a channel and it's called The Grier Twins and we have our own channels to but we got nominated for out twin Chanel. I put on a light blue strapless dress up to my knees and I put in my pair oh white converse because I will not wear heals, I curls my hair and put a white bow on my head, I painted my nails light blue like me dress, and I put on eye liner and mascara.

All of us got to the TCA and oh my god Taylor was being so loud in the limo, Carter was being anti social, Jacob was taking selfies the whole car ride over there, like the car ride was weird. we all sat together and finally it was time to announcer he biggest brake out and I was getting so nervous and then I hear," Victoria Grier!" and all the boys jump up and hug me and I walk up stage and hugged Jake T. Austin and Bella Thorn and I got my surf board and said," oh my gosh thank you so much, if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't be here right now, I'm so thankful to have the best fans ever, I love you guys so much!" and I walked off stage and when I got to my seat the boys attacked me with hugs. Then 20 minutes later it's time for the Famouse Viner award and then I hear," The Grier Twins!" and me and Hayes jump up from our seats and we hug each other then they boys get up and we get in a group. We both go up ok stage and we both say a little speech and get our surf boards and walk of stage and when were back stage and pulls me into and hug and says," we did it sis." and I said," yup we did." And we pull away and walk back to out seats .

Were on our plane and were going to Magcon New Jersey! I'm so pumped for this! We finally get to our hotel and we put all our stuff in our rooms and we get ready to go down to the pool. I put on my blue bikini with white chevron stripes. After the pool we get out and we all take showers and we all hang out in Mine,Hayes,Nash,and Cameron's room and then all our phones go off at the same time and we check our phone and were all in a group chat that Bart put us in and he sent a massage that said," Come to my room I have to tell you something." and we all look at each other and you can tell that were all nervous just by the looks of our face.

We all walk to his room and we get in and we all sit down and he says,"Magcon is ending." and I was the first one to jump up and I say," what the hell do you mean by Magcon is ending!" and he says," magcon is ending forever." and Taylor stands up and say," so you just separating us just like that!" and Bart says," yup." and I say," you can't just separate a family just like that!" and Nash stands up and says," yeah were family and you can keep us apart!" and Bart says," we'll this is your last magcon." and all of us look at each other and I look at Bart and say,"fuck you Bart." and I storm outa the room.

I'm getting ready for magcon and I put on on my white high waisted shorts with a lavender colored ruffled crop top, my white hightop converse, I did a waterfall braid, and I put on my waterproof mascara.

My name got called and I ran out touching all the fans hands, then after everybody got called out we did the lip gloss dance then we did the meet and greet then after the meet and greet we all went back on stage and it was my turn to sing so I go my guitar and started singing I will always Remember you by Hannah Montana and in the middle of the song and during the middle of the song a a tear slipped down my cheek and guess a few fans saw because some were yelling," aw don't cry!" and I was done and all the boys stood up and I got my microphone and I said," these pass months have been amazing doing magcon with my bestfriend, and I'm so thankful to have the most supportive and the most beautiful fans I'm the whole entire universe, but magcon is coming to an end and please guys don't think were just leaving you guys because were not, we love each and everyone of you guys to death, and of it weren't for you guys I wouldn't be here right now, were all a family no matter what happens okay." and I passed the microphone and everyone said something then nash put a CD in the laptop and we all got around the laptop and the song Born To Be Somebody and the the first vines we ever made came on and there was different clips from magcon and when I saw the clip of me singing at the first magcon that's when it got to me I just started crying and Hayes pulled me into a hug and i said," ima miss this so much." and he said," me to sis,me to." and then after the video ended we were all in tears then we all got in a group hug and we just stayed silent for 5 minutes then we started walking off stage then I got the microphone and said," I love you guys." and I blew a kiss at the crowd and I walked of stage and the tears stared coming out and Cameron pulled me in to a hug.

We all got to the hotel and we started packing every thing and went to the airport, I'm glad we all live together. When our plane got called we stared walking and we all turned around and flipped off Bart. Bart can shove all that money up his ass.

We finally got home and flash backs from all the magcons started coming back


"Ok on the count of three,1,2,3! I was on Cameron's shoulders and the other boys had fans on theirs and we all raced and of course cameron and I won!

"Victoria I have a surprise for you!" Matt yelled and I turn around and he has a booger on his finger

"Ew Matt get the fuck away from me!" and he stars chasing me and I start running and I run behind Jack G.

"Jack protect me!" and he throws me over his shoulder and then Matt starts chasing after both of us now but he ends up tripping and it was the most hilarious thing ever.

~end of flash back~

I smile at the thought of that memory. I have the most weirdest/craziest best friends ever.

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