Chapter 3

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Shawn's P.O.V
Victoria looked beautiful today and when her singing is amazing. And it's really cute when she blushes and it's also cute how short she is. I want to tell her that I like her but what if she dosent feel the same way and it would ruin our friend ship. And I know some of the other boys like here to I mean she beautiful so I won't blame them for liking her. And her eyes you can just get lost in those eyes of hers. I guess the blue eyes run in the Grier family. Then Carter comes up to me and says," so I here Victoria has some feeling for you to." and I say," what really how do you know?" And he says," I was just talking to her and I think you should tell her how you feel." and I say," maybe I will tell her but not now."

Victoria's P.O.V
I put on my nike pros and my cameron Dallas shirt because I was so tired. Were all in my room then Taylor says why don't we watch the Conjuring? and we all agree. Me and Shawn are on the bed and then a scary part comes on and I scream and hide my face in Shawn's chest, then I hear a bunch of cameras going off but I don't care I was scared! Then I here Carter say," that's going on twitter and Instagram!" and my head shots up and I say,"what?!" and he says,"oops it's already on." and he smirks and I just give him the death glare. Then I fall asleep to Shawn's heart beat for some reason I feel so safe around him.

I woke up next to shawn still cuddled next to him then he woke up and said," good morning beautiful." and I said," good morning." and smiled I got out of bed and cameron saw me and he said," nice shirt." and I said,"oh lol thanks." I went to the bath room to go shower and after I showered I blow dried my hair and straitened it and put on a black skater skirt and a floral crop top with a pair of hightop white converse and the same make up, mascara and eyeliner.

Were all at Magcon day 2 for the meet and greet. I'm with Shawn for the meet and great and some girls were giving me dirty looks but I didn't care. This cute little girl came up to me and shawn and asked for a picture and we both said," sure of course!" the she said," you both are my favorite from magcon." and shawn said,"aw that's so sweet thanks." and I said the same thing then I asked,"how old are you?" and she said,"7" and shawn said," your a cutie!" the I asked,"wheres your mom at?" and she pointed and she pointed to the corner and me and shawn waved at her mom then this older girl about 16 pushed the little girl and said," hurry up you little brat!" and i stood up and said," what's your fucking problem, she's a little girl!" And shawn stood up and picked up the little girl cuz she crying. And the. I told the girl,"you know your a bitch if you would do that to a little girl." And the security took her out.

Since no one was coming to is we were playing around I jumped on his back and we stared running around. He put me down and told me," your a cutie you know." and he kissed my cheek and I guess some girls saw cuz some awed and some gave me dirty looks.

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