Rantaro Headcannons

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~ On some days, is a dog person and on others, is a cat person.
~ Z A D D Y
~uses Facebook
~went through a hipster phase
~listens to Billie Eilish and Melanie Martinez. He lives for Show and Tell and Nurse's Office honestly, she's trash now. Like, everyone talks about her and she's everywhere and it's annoying af.
~ Tried being vegan and a vegetarian for a bit. He stopped being vegan after a day and is an on and off vegetarian. If he has vegetables and meat to choose from, veggies. But, of he only had a chicken but it had vegetables, he'd eat it.
~ Lowkey is an emo
~ Loves vine
~ Loves memes and unironically quotes them.
~ "oof"
~ Lowkey really likes Animal Crossing
~ Goes to sleep at 8:30 and you can't change my opinion, he needs beauty sleep. Please get the reference. 
~ He's a simp
~ c l o w n m a e d a

  ~ He's a simp~ c l o w n m a e d a

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