Cat part 1

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He is such a snob. He refuses to eat cat food and he will only eat people food. He's also kind of aggressive and you're not really allowed to touch him. But if he's in a good mood, he will let you gently rub his head.

He is surprisingly a softie and a good boi.

Very good boy. He does tricks and he goes on walks with you.

Like Hajime, he's a curious good boy.

Energetic good boy.

He's clingy, loud, and dramatic. If you try to bathe him, he will howl and mewl in pure agony. Once, your neighbor came over and asked if you were murdering a child. You said no and you were just bathing your oddly colored cat.

He's kinda shy but not around you. He's a good boy and he's curious like Makoto and Hajime. 

Oh.... Naive baby. Poor poor Hajime. He's a too boi but he's too dumb for his own good. He will jump into water and then instantly regret it. He will look at you and beg for your help to get him out if the water.

F l u f f y b o y. Like, its so painful for you to brush his fur because its so chaotic and fluffy. Also, he's cuddly but a downfall is that his fur is everywhere. He's also really chatty and clingy.

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