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So, uh, my grandpa is turning off the internet and shutting my phone off permanently (probably) but ya know, he might. I'm gonna be going over my cousin's house soon and since she has wattpad, any chapters a miss I can upload from her phone (I'll sign in) so uh, yeah. Don't hold me accountable for any of this. I know I don't upload a lot, because I don't have creativity. I draw, not write. Before you say "upload on your Chromebook" I will, except it won't let me publish any chapters (reason unknown for why it does this.) So, yeah, this might be goodbye for now, but uh, I love you all. I will make chapters, but I might not upload a lot. I hope that makes sense. Bye, I love you all. I know this sounds cheesy but I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys, so thank you. I'm not ending the book, but I might be going on a hiatus. Key word, might.

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