Chapter 38

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I walk past her and she chased after me.

"Hey, I'm not kidding." She went in front of me again so I stop.

She then reached for my face, I couldn't do anything because my body became frozen. She put both of my lips upwards and then smiled.

"There, you would look really good when you smile all the time." She commented and then she widen her eyes.

She might have realised how close we were to each other because she slowly put her hands down.

"A-anyways, we should get going. I'm really hungry." She turned around and walk away so fast that I need to catch up with her.


"Hmmm, these are really good!" She commented while putting another dumpling in her mouth.

Yes we are eating street-foods, we're at the Food festival in the meantime and Y/n had been eating lots of foods.

"You said that with the other fifteen foods you already tried." I pointed out and she stick her tongue out.

"Can't help it, I eat any types of foods." She put another dumplings in her mouth.

I was just watching her all the time, observing her every move. I don't know why but whenever I'm with her I felt safe, like this is where I'm suppose to be.

Right beside her

"Well thank you so much for treating me, if I get paid on Wednesday I promise I'll buy you a meal." She said as we were walking down the streets.

"Deal." I was happy because we can still see each other again.


"Yo Fei-" I turn my head to the side to see Shalnark's shock face. "Well someone's been doing some shopping."

I was at the roof at that moment, looking up the stars when Shalnark came to ruin the peaceful moment.

"What do you want?" I ask getting straight to the point and he sat beside me.

"You're not wearing the scarf?" He responded and I click my tongue.

"You don't answer a question with another question." I pointed out and he chuckled.

"I just want to spend time with you." He answered then look at me. "Now it's your turn to answer mine, why are you not wearing the scarf?"

"For a change." I replied and he sigh.

"You didn't even want to remove that scarf ever since Y/n gave it to you." He mumbled but I heard him clearly and I sat up.

"What?" I question and he flinch as he realised what he just said.

"N- nothing! Ehehe!" Such a bad liar.

I stared at him for a while, thinking whether to tell him about Y/n or not. I know they've been hiding her identity from me all this time but I know that I still have the right to at least know something about her.

"I've met her." I said and he look at me.

"Met who?" He questions and I look up the sky.

"Y/n..." I trailed off and he widen his eyes. "I may not know who she was in the past but whenever I'm with her, there's this familiar feelings on my chest. It's like I've known her for a long time, I just don't know when or where or how."

"I see, that's good for you." He gave me a genuine smile while standing up. "I have a mission, I will see-"

"Cut the crap, you don't have a mission. We're on break for a month so stop using that as an excuse." I gave him a poker face and he sigh and sat back down.

There was a moment of silence between us and I decided to break it.

"What's Y/n like in the past?" I ask him and he tense up when I mentioned her name. "Please... Shalnark, I need to know. I feel like I'm going to go crazy if I don't find out so please, tell me everything about her."

This was the first time I begged someone to do something for me, which isn't like me at all but I really need to find out what my previous relationship with Y/n before.

"She's kind, helpful and lovely. She always think of others before herself, always doing something so reckless that you always save her at the end." He started talking and I was somehow glad that I would be the one who always saves her.

*And I can't be bothered telling everything but you know what I mean*

"I see..." I trailed off and look at him. "What happened before I lost my memory?"

He look back at me then gave me a genuine smile.

"I think it's best if Y/n would be the one who tells you that."

Reader's POV

I was watching the sky on an open field, I didn't really want to go home yet. Not that I have a home but ever since my house exploded before, causing me to lose my memory, I've been living on the streets trying to regain my memories.

Not sure why I can't remember them but the moment I saw Feitan on the Dairy, I knew that there was something different about him. Even though I can't point what it was, my heart tells me that he is special.

"Who are you..." I murmured as I observe the stars. "Why do I feel like I should know you?"

After another ten minutes had past, I decided to take a walk on. Memories started flashing in my mind of the time that I've been with Feitan. It felt like I've known him for so long, but I just couldn't remember anything. As I was walking, I didn't realise that I was in the alleyway and a drunken guy blocked my way.

Only Mine (Feitan x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now