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Chapter 42

Dedicated to everyone who is doing their part and staying inside. Let's hope for better days and thank our amazing doctors and nurses! ❤️

 Let's hope for better days and thank our amazing doctors and nurses! ❤️

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Ariana wait up" Tyler says following behind me

I ignore him. Everything was going perfectly fine until Landon got that phone call. It was only one second, one second I got to enjoy having him here. Actually here, not worrying about the life his father had left behind. Everything was fine....

Rushing but slowly through the gorgeously decorated hallway, I find the door he's behind. I could make out his voice but not what he was saying. I tried to make out words but no avail. Tyler pulling at my shirt insisting we turn back. I turned around to give him my angry look and also to give him my "be quiet or your dead" look. The door  creaked open and Tyler and I sprang up.

"Uh we just wanted to make sure your alright.." I said
He looked at me first then Tyler.

"Yes everything's fine, it was the funeral home, my dads funeral is next week" Landon said Stone cold.

He wasn't shedding a tear for his father. The opposite in fact, he seemed relived his father was gone.

We played video games the entire day and never returned to school. Thankfully my parents didn't receive a phone call because Tyler called and pretending to be my dad, he excused me for the day. My parents were on a trip for work so they wouldn't be back for a while. We were finally driving back when Landon got another phone call. He was driving so he dodged it the first time then, it rang again...

"Want me to get it?" I asked since I was sitting in the front next to him

"No" he said quickly
"It's alright, I'll get him back later"

His phone was flipped nearly upside down so I couldn't make out the caller ID. I looked at Tyler and he knew what I was trying to signal.

"I have to pee, gas stop" Tyler said pointing at the nearest gas station

"Seriously dude , you can't hold it" Landon said shaking his head

"Nature calls" Tyler laughed

When we finally stopped Landon got out of the car to fill it was gas, Tyler rushed  to the bathroom. Trying my hardest to not make it seem obvious, I creeped my fingers to landons phone. I was able to see the caller ID, I just never seen this name in my life.

Tyler came back and soon enough we were driving again. Driving back home. My plan was to research this person when I get home. I had seen the name before. I just don't know where.

"Theo isles spade"

That was it. That was the person Landon kept talking to. His family, no doubt. Maybe it's just family and none of my business. But what if it's the family business? The gangs and crime groups and all sorts of things Landon shouldn't be involved in. Or he promised...he wouldn't....

We dropped off Tyler and made it to my house.

"So we're not neighbors anymore" I said

He looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes.

"I guess not princess" he smiled then looked down

I just couldn't take my gaze off of him.

"So I'll see you in school tomorrow" I said

"Yeah, call me if you need anything"

"Ok" I smiled and hopped out of the car.

He started driving off to his family inherited mansion but my goal is to get him out of there....

I opened my front door and was surprised to see the living room light on. I walked past my hallway with family pictures and I saw him sitting on the couch.

"Ariana, pleasure seeing you again but I'm afraid we have lots to talk about"


The badboy's obsession | ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat