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Chapter 4 (edited)

"Every day of I'm forced to add a name to the list of people who piss me off"

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"Every day of I'm forced to add a name to the list of people who piss me off"

I woke up and sarah was gone, she must've woke up early, I take a shower and get into black leggings and regular white tee shirt.
My mom called saying she was coming back on Monday night, I did miss her even though she spends a lot of time away on these business trips. I use to have a nanny come over but I convinced my mom a while ago that I was mature enough to stay by myself.

It's Monday and I get ready for school
I get to school and directly go to class, Sarah is still on her phone, she's been nonstop texting Tyler which I guess is great. It's only annoying because I get zero attention now. The school day is over and matt Hasn't shown up, I hope he's okay. There's been rumors going around and people have been staring and talking about me. Most people are scared to approach me though. I hate this ugh. I go to my locker and sadly Sarah left early so I have to take the bus home . I grab my stuff and start walking out

Suddenly I hear my name being called Over the intercom: * MS. O'DONNELL AND MR.SPADE PLEASE COME TO THE MAIN OFFICE*

I walk into the main office and then secretary tells me to go into the principals office. I walk in and see Tyler and Landon sitting down
I see a smirk grow on landons face and I just turn away from him.

"Ms. O'donnell, please have a seat, I know that you are friends with a matt landy"

"Yeah, is he alright?" I asked

"Well he was in a very bad accident this weekend and won't be able to make it into school for a while, can you please send me his homework"

" umm of course, how is he"

I see landons body shift uncomfortably, oh I'm defiantly getting him back for that night.

"He's in bad shape, is he your boyfriend ms. O'donnell?"

I see both Tyler and Landon give me looks

"Yes, he kinda is"
Landon's smirk turns into a deep frown. Tyler just has a confused look on his face. I wasn't sure why Tyler and Landon were there. Maybe the principal found out they did something to him or the principal just assumed they were friends with him. Although who can ever be friends with landon and Tyler.

"You can all go now, but Landon and Tyler, I will be a expecting the both of you in dentin tomorrow" the principal says

It's 3:30 so all the hallways are cleared, as soon as I leave the main office I rush towards my locker. I wanna rush to not get into troubles with Landon.

I hear Landon yell
Oh god. As soon as I open my locker door, Landon slams it shut, causing me to jump.

"What the fuck do you mean he's your boyfriend"

"What do you think it means?" I asked sarcastically.

"Everyday I'm forced to add another name to the list of people who piss me off, trust me you don't want your name there". He moves his body closer to mine, our bodies are now almost touching now and I feel the same redness that came to my cheeks before when our faces were close. He studies me for a minute before slamming me into my locker, he has one hand on the locker which is formed into a fist and the other on my waist.

"Let's get one thing straight, your fucking mine, understand" He says looking straight at me.

He slowly moves his face closer to mine
He grips my waist harder.

"Do you understand" I see him put up a devilish grin. I stare him dead in the eye. I was just gonna go with it so he could let me go.
"Yeah I get it"

He walks away and I reach down to pick up my books that fell. What a dick. I'm able to get my book bag and walk outside I realize I missed the bus, great now I have to walk. I start to walk and a black Camaro pulls to the side
"Get In princess"

"I'd rather walk" I frown

"In those heels" landon laughs

I am wearing my favorite pair of black heeled boots. I really wouldn't want to get these dirty or chipped. Without having another choice I get into landons car. I open the front door and get in

"Thought so" Landon smirks

Ugh that stupid smirk he does

"Leave Matt alone landon, seriously"  I say.

" okay, if you promise not to see or speak to him again"

" that's not fair"

" fine then expect him to be out of school  for a long time"

I can't think of any comeback. Also I really can't stand to see Matt hurt again.

"If you promise to leave him alone, I'll stay away from him" he looks me in the eye


The rest of the ride was silent, he parked in front of my house, we are next door neighbors so we don't have to walk far to get to each other's houses.

"Bye princess"


It's 10 pm and I'm really bored and can't sleep, what's there to do at 10 . I get my black nike leggings and shoes and get my keys. I'm going on a run because I always use to go and clear my mind. As I'm running my shoe lace unties and I get into a small alley way to tie it. I clear my mind about Landon and Matt and all that's been happening. I get home and go straight to bed knowing tomorrow would be a long day.

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