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Chapter 20 (edited)

I woke up later than usual so I called an Uber. Stepping into school at 10 am was not like myself. I think my mom has seen that I've haven't been really myself lately. Maybe it's all the stuff going on with Landon. I look like a mess today. I tied my hair in a messy bun and didn't put on an ounce of makeup. Watching to my fourth period I see Landon and summer at summers locker. They're clearly flirting. I notice both of them look my way but I just stare straight and ignore it.

"Hey" Adam and Sarah say

"Hey guys"

I sit down and take out my notebook. I also grab a pen to take notes.

"Ugh have you heard the news" Sarah says

"No what happened?" I asked

Nothing bad usually happened in our small town.

"There was a gang fight two nights ago and some people didn't make it" she says

Gangs weren't a problem in our town till
Now either. I see the door open and in comes summer with an arm around her waist. I check to see who the arm belongs to and it's Landon. No surprise there.

"Ignore it Ari" Sarah says rolling her eyes at them

"I never understood the player type, I mean what if some girl had an std" Adam says breaking the silence.

"Besides it's a lot of work brooding and being angry all the time" Sarah Jokes

"I know I can barley get myself to frown" I laugh

I should just ignore it but it just gets on my nerves so much. They sit down in the back of the room. The teacher hands out work sheets and sits at her desk. She explains what to do and I get out my text book. It's simple questions and definitions.

"Okay I don't want to be the snitch that says it but Chris from the football team has been crushing on you hard" Sarah whispers

I look at her In surprise. I mean Chris was the guy everyone crushes on. He had messy light brown hair with bright green eyes. I didn't think he would be crushing on someone like me.

"Really?!" I ask excitedly


Great, now I finally have a reason to move on from Landon. Besides Chris is a nice guy. He surly isn't in a gang and he definitely is not flirting with summer in front of my face. That's a bonus. The school day went quick. Mainly because I missed liked four classes but it was quick. Before leaving school I grab my book bag from my locker. Suddenly Landon appears next to me

"Hey can we talk?" He asks without even making eye contact. He really ...after all that, he wants to talk. How about no.

"Nope, I'm busy" I say "but rain check" I smile.

"Ariana really" He snaps looking up.
Luckily before I go off, Adam comes to my rescue

"Hey is everything alright" Adam asks me not looking in landons direction

"What would you care, what are you fucking besties now?" Landon says scoffing.

I grab adams arm. Just in case.

"Landon leave us alone" I say

The words I thought I would never say.

"If you'll talk to me I'll leave this bitch alone" Landon replies smiling at Adam.
He walks towards us.

"Okay" I answer

Adam looks at me worriedly. I give him a reassuring look and head outside with Landon.

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