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Chapter 18

"God this is so beautiful" I cry.
I take another tissue and wipe my tears. Sarah does the same. It's our first time watching the notebook and were balling with tears.

"I've never seen anything more majestic" Sarah says

We're having a sleepover at Sarah's house because her parents are away for the weekend. It's currently Friday night. I'm staying over tomarrow too.

"Wanna go get ice cream at Walgreens" Sarah says.

I look over to our two empty Dulce de Leche ice creams. Wow we are that fast.

"Yeah let me wipe the mascara from my cheeks"

I run to the bathroom and wash my face. The notebook brought enough tears to get rid of all my mascara. Sarah grabs her coat while I out on my shoes. We decided to walk because it was nice out. It's been snowing really hard recently. Even school canceled because we couldn't even open our front doors. When you look up in our small town, you can see stars. Unlike the city. The tall trees guide our way as we make it out of the foresty side of town. You know your near the main road once you see a tree that as j + p on it, it stood for  Julia plus Paul. They were friends of ours during freshmen year of highschool, they were so in love they wrote that on the tree. About a year later they broke up because Paul had cheated on Julia. I remember how heartbroken she was. She did get over it but, now she's a popular, self obsessed type of girl.
We finally get to the Main Street. Although Walgreens is only three blocks away, we have to pass all the bars. It's about 1 am and some bars are closing, that means all the weird drunk men are coming onto the streets. I see a group of them on the corner.

"God what the fuck is your problem Gabe" a Familiar voice says

We keep walking and I see who's at the corner. It's Landon and his new friends. I keep my head down. I don't want them to see me because I really don't want to talk to Landon. Especially drunk Landon. Before we can pass them all eyes are on Sarah and I. We just want to get to ice cream jeez.

"Ariana?"  Landon asks

I gather my strength and look at him.

"What" I ask

I'm in no mood today. I cried all the water out of my body watching the notebook so whatever happened I knew I wouldn't cry.

"Why are you out so late" he asks looking down at the ground then back at me.

Like I have to answer. He's honestly not my parent so why should he even have a right to know. I figured out what was different from his voice. He was more demanding now. It was almost like his voice meant to scare you. Like it was meant to be violent. That isn't the Landon I knew, at last he was different.

"Listen landon I don't know why I have to explain myself to you, it's clear that you didn't think or care about me when you left" I snapped at him

I heard some "oooos" from his friends. They were clearly drunk and completely out of it.

"Why the fuck do I have to explain myself
To you" he came up to me and said
Our faces were inches apart. Although he was taller, I was on my tippy toes. I felt the tension oozing out.

"Whatever Landon just leave me alone, okay?"

"What do you mean leave you alone"
I stepped back but he grabbed my arm.

"You clearly never gave a fuck about me or anything so leave. Me. Alone."

I yank my arm from his grip and walk over to Sarah. Sarah grabs my arm making sure he doesn't get his hands on me again Landon looks away then back at me with an angry expression. But I see the hurt in his eyes. The loneliness too.

"Maybe your right, maybe I never actually gave a fuck, you just thought you were special because That's what every stupid fucking girl thinks"

What did he just say. I had no words. I felt a tear then another. His cold expression disappeared

"Ariana wait.. I didn't—-mean-

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled and speed walked away. I just wanted my damn ice cream then to go back to Sarah's.  But besides everything I never wanted to see landons stupid face again. Ever

Oooof that was intense anyways, hi guys, so I officially started my sophomore year of highschool
I know ewwwww .
It sucks, I have gym first period so I'm gonna have to go to pool at 8 in the morning. Welp
Also guys I cut my hair like really short and I miss my long hair. Any tips or advice to grow my hair back???
I would appreciate it.

I'll update soon. Baiii

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