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Chapter 26 (edited)

I stepped onto the beach and closed my eyes. I took in the roaring sound of the waves crashing against each other. It was all peace full until.......

"CMON WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR" I heard someone yell. Then a bunch of people were dropping their towels and running towards the ocean. Out of no where Sarah took my hand and ran as well. I felt the cool ocean water as we all ran inside. I saw some guy taking out surf boards. I swam around with Sarah and found some other friends. After our swim, we laid on our towels and got some drinks. I looked out to the ocean. Everything was perfect. It was nearly the end of Summer and I haven't thought about Landon once. I read sometimes on the newspapers that gangs were still causing shootings and fights. Each time I couldn't help but wonder if Landon was involved. If he was fine. If he had found someone else. Or if his family had corrupted him. I lost my train of thought when I saw the new captain of the football team, mark stone, chug an entire can of beer in under ten seconds.

"That's got to be a new record" said Sarah

I laughed and then noticed mark was walking towards us.

"any of you ladies interested in beating the new record" he said proudly

"I don't think anyone will ever come close" I said laughingly

I smiled and took his hand. He lifted me from the towel where I was sitting and I walked with him to the drinks. I looked back and Sarah gave a smile. For nearly a month now mark and I have been seeing each other. At first it was hard to start over but then I got use to it. I couldn't help but look for Landon in his eyes. I never found it. I poured some beer into a cup.

"Cheers" mark said bringing his cup to mine. It was nearly 5 am. The sun was coming up. The bright pink and orange of the sky reminded me that I Had not texted my mom all night. Although she wasn't home I was suppose to call her last night.

My mom has been away more ever since June. She says I am old enough to take care of myself. That's means I party till whatever hour I want and come home at whatever time I want. This summer has so far been crazy. I've been parting up in beaches and clubs with Sarah. We even went to Atlantic City in New Jersey and convinced the bouncer at the casino that we were 21. The crazy nights like that is when I couldn't help but wonder if I made a mistake when I told landon to stay away from me. I was surrounded by people and yet I felt somewhat lonely.

Mark drove Sarah and I home. I kissed him goodbye and got inside. I Had not even realized the first day of school was in a week.
The summer was so much fun but it had to come to an end.

A week later

"Not excited at all" yelled Sarah from her car

I opened the door of her new BMW.

"This is it, our first day of senior year and our last first day of highschool"

"Thank god" Sarah muttered

Being a senior was great this year. There were no upperclassmen to toy us around and we basically could do whatever we wanted granted it didn't break a serious school rule.I walked in with Sarah and we greeted our friends. I said hi to summer who was still applying the same lipstick shade she's been using since freshmen year. Sarah and I had the same schedule because once your a senior you pick it. "Okay let's get this over with" Sarah said. She seemed tired. If there was anyone that partied harder than I did this summer it was Sarah. I walked across the hall to our first class. Physics.
I sat beside Sarah then saw mark walk in. He gave me a smile and sat in front of me. As mark and I were talking I felt someone nudge me.

"No. Fucking. Way." Whispered Sarah.

I turned to see what she was looking at. In all his glory Tyler walked in. He looked different. He was buff now and had a huge tattoo running from his elbow to hands. All the girls gawked as he sat down in the back row. Sarah rolled her eyes and opened her book.

"I never liked that Tyler guy he was always trouble along with that other one, what's his name, Landon" mark said

I kept starring at Tyler. He seemed so changed now. He looked up and straight at me. We starred at each other for another minute until the teacher entered. Then I saw Adam had also walked in. He kept his head low. He didn't look so different. He had gotten skinnier and had a scar on his left eyebrow running up toward his hairline. He then looked up at me , he quickly turned back and looked down again. From that moment on I knew this was going to be one hell of a school year

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