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Chapter 38 (Edited)

"The sun only sets to rise"

"I heard summer got into Princeton university"   Some girl at my lunch table says

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"I heard summer got into Princeton university" Some girl at my lunch table says.

"Summer couldn't even get into Community college" Sarah scoffs.

The college deadlines are approaching us. Soon enough, everyone will fit everything decent detail about themselves into a resume and send it off. Some will right about how they managed to keep a four point 0 grade average while others will write about how they juggle being a student athlete. Then leaves me. I'm completely lost about where I want to apply to. I don't want to go out of state but I don't want to stay. I guess I'll have another month to figure it out before everything is due. The bell rings and we all head to class.

During class, I stare out the window as the raindrops tear down the sides. The drops trickle down. I see a bit of lighting far away. The rain only gets harder as the rest of the day goes on. Even from inside the school, we can hear the roaring thunder. But, it's Maine, this is our typical whether.

"I'll see you later?" Sarah says grabbing her umbrella.

"Yeah sure text me whenever you want to hang out," I say.

I walk her to the exit of the school and watch as she opened her umbrella and ran towards her car. I turn right around and walk back into the school. It's almost empty now since everyone wanted to be home before the storm got any worse.

"Hey Ariana!" I hear from behind me.

Still holding my books, I turn around and see Tyler.

"Hey Tyler" I say

"Hey I just wanted to see if you managed to get anything out of Landon yet, he's been cold lately. I'm worried. When he's quiet it means he's planning something probably stupid." he says disappointedly

"No I'm sorry" I say

"So What have you guys been doing?" He asked

"Um studying" I said pointing at the books in my hand.

"Studying, really" he says running his hand through his hair.

"...but if he does mention anything, you'll be the first to know" I say

"Right thanks"

I smile and walk toward to the library. The hallways were dark and the windows were all wet with rain drops. I walk in and see landon already sitting down at our table.

"Hi" I say smiling

He gives me a half assed smirk as he sits up straight.

"So where were we, chapter ten?" I ask

"Something like that" he says

I flip the pages to the questions. I start copying down a few of the questions for him to do. As I'm writing the lights flicker then go out.
The power had suddenly gone out.

"Damn. Must be the storm" I say

"Probably, let's find a flashlight or something" Landon saying getting up. I follow him out of the library into the hallway where I see summer coming out of a room with a flashlight.

"Did you do something to the power" Summer says to landon

"No . Why the fuck do you always assume it's me" he says

Summer just rolls her eyes and continues to try to find a teacher or a staff member.

"Maybe, we should try the main office" I suggest to landon. He nods and we start making our way there. Once we got to the office , the doors were locked.

"Fuck it, let's just go home" Landon says

"Okay but what about summer and the rest of them"

" they're gonna have to figure something out, let's go"

We start walking to the exit of the school. I try to push open the doors but it's locked

"Um Landon, they're locked" I say

"What?" He asked as he tries to push one

"So what we're stuck in here" I ask

"No I know another way" he says

I follow him through the school towards the old wing of science. The wing closed down back in the 90s because some experiment broke school equipment and made it unsafe for a while. The room was cleared but it was never put back in use. He opens the door to the old wing and I follow him through. As I'm walking I feel
Something hard hit my shin and I fall straight to the ground.


"You okay?" Landon says rushing to me.

"Yeah I'm fine"

He helps me up and takes my hand.
Finally, we reach the exit. He opened the locked door and we step outside in the rain. I step on a lunch table and jump to the ground as he does. We run from the side parking lot back to the front and to landons car.

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