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Chapter 22 (Edited)

"Can we get iced coffee" Sarah asks

"This is a stake out not a shopping trip" I say to Sarah

"Pleaseeeeee" she whines


Sarah drives to Dunkin' Donuts were she gets an iced coffee and I get a hot chocolate. It's about 11:30. We might have missed Adam already. We finally get a parking spot on his block. Not that far from his house but, not that close.  We wait until midnight. Everything's quiet. We wait till 1 am. Everything is still quiet.  We watch gossip girl and the office on our phones. Finally the clock turns 2:30 am.

"What's happening to us" I ask Sarah

"What do you mean?" She asks worriedly

"Last year we were just sophomores, no worries, watching netlfix and talking about boys and now we can't even trust our friend so we go on a stakeout and my ex boyfriend or whatever landon is or was to me is in a gang and I...I just can't believe all we're handling right now" I say blurting out all my feelings.

"Aw Ariana , things change and it's part of us growing up. Even though this is all unexpected. Adam , Tyler and Landon. I will always be by your side. Through it all" she smiles

Some more times passed by and we're just about to give up.

"Well this was a failed trip" Sarah says

"Guess so—

Before I can finish my sentence, the car behind us beeps. Sarah and I jump in our seats. Then I saw him. Adam carrying a black duffel bag makes his way to the car behind us. Sarah and I duck. Right after he takes off, Sarah starts her car and we follow behind him. We're both quiet. Who could've known I've been right.

We follow him out of town to the docks. Why would he be at the docks, the next shipment that comes from fishers and carrier boats doesn't come until next week. The docks are closed, Adam takes a route from behind were the fence is broken. We stop before the fence and go in on foot. With our phone flashlights we followBehind the car. Adams car turns and then we see a bunch of other cars. People dressed in black with dogs in chains.  What is going on. We hide behind a crate.

"We have to help Adam, this is probably a misunderstanding" Sarah whispers. She's in disbelief as well as I am. But if it's one thing I learned with Landon. People do unexpected things. You think you'd know someone then they surprise you like this.

"We can't, it's too dangerous, they could kidnap us or worse" I whisper back.

Sarah nods and crawls back behind her crate.
I see Adam walk up to a guy with the duffel bag. He hands the guy the bag and the guy inspects it. All of a sudden the Adam is being punched and knocked to the ground.

I turn back to Sarah to get out of here. As I see Sarah I see a black figure behind her. The figure is about to grab her. I open my mouth to scream but, all of a sudden someone's hand covered my mouth. I got picked up. I tried to kick and scream but the person grabbing me was too strong. When I couldn't get free I looked around for Sarah. She was kicking too.
I saw a black car pull up, we're probably gonna get kidnapped!
What have we gotten into?!

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