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Chapter 25 (edited)

The warm summer air filled my room. I got up and got dressed for school. I grabbed my purse and left the house. I walked to Sarah's house where I picked her up. It was two weeks into June. One week left and school would end. Everyone was excited. We were excited for junior year to end and to start our last year of highschool. It was nearly three months since I spoken to Landon. I went camping last weekend and I passed by the huge mansion gates. I would sometimes pass landon in the halls. I felt too guilty to look at him. He didn't show up to school much and when he did , he was always skipping class or getting in some other type of trouble. Nothing could ever be simple with him. But I guess in a way I liked that.

"Hey girl ready" I asked Sarah

She came down the stair case jumping with joy.

"One week left and were leaving!" Sarah screamed in my ear. She was going on vacation to Argentina. I was staying here. My mom and dad were going on a business conference to London so for three weeks straight I would stay by myself. I was excited. I could go to parties and come back at whatever time I felt like. I could also eat anything I wanted. We made it to school and I saw seniors wearing shirts from colleges that they would be going to in a few months. Teachers were not giving many homework and we were mainly watching documentaries and movies in classes.
Sarah and I sat down where we also sit. Landon's seat was empty and so was Adams. Turns out the police had caught Adam with the duffle bags. It was filled with guns. He didn't go to jail but he had to leave town. He lives three towns away now. I haven't spoken to him either. I lost many people to these gangs and I was gonna change senior year. No more gangs.
Sarah and Tyler we're becoming very serious. It didn't bother me that much that Tyler was Landon's best friend. Sarah always said Landon made Tyler keep an eye on me.

"This movie is so good" Sarah whispered to me

We were watching the spongebob movie in science.

"Yeah it's great" I said sarcastically

1 week later

The halls were filled with paper, people crying and teared books. It was the last day of school.
I hugged all my friends and signed year books.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I said to Andrea, a friend I made over the past months.

"Ariana!" I heard a voice call

It was summer. Summer was actually nice to me now. Ever since Landon had left , she got a new boyfriend and became nicer to Everyone.
I was becoming good friends with her because we bumped into each other at a cafe a few weeks back. Turns out under all that mean girl act she had, she was a sweet amazing girl. She loved to paint and she said she was going through a rough time because her parents had broken up. Summer was a friendship that I didn't expect to happen but I'm glad it did.

"Have a great summer!" I said

"I'm gonna miss you!, let's hang out sometime" she exclaimed

"Defiantly" i smiled

I took my remaining books out of my locker. I looked around at the empty hall. Just this year was a roller coaster ride for me. The drama with Landon. The crazy rumors that were passed around. It was nice to be leaving and having a break but I feel like I was gonna miss this school. I shut my locker and turn the switch for the last time. Making my way through the halls I acknowledged the things I saw everyday. No one is suppose to get emotional when school ends but I felt as though I was leaving my old life behind.
All of a sudden a cars horn made me snap out of my thoughts

"Get In Ariana , we're free" said Zach. He had gotten a new car year this year. I joined Sarah in the back part of the convertible with the hood down. We all rode home with the car horn honking. We blasted music and yelled through the car window. I finally got home and plopped down onto my bed. That was the last day of school and it was epic.

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