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Chapter 31 (edited)

I walked to school with Sarah. It was foggy and drizzly like most fall mornings here. Today was a busy and important day because all the seniors would be finishing their college applications. I applied to ten different universities. I had hoped to get into Columbia in New York or the university of southern Maine. Sarah had also applied to a few of the schools I did. Her major was education. I hadn't fully decided what to major in.
When we got to school, we rushed into class and took our seats. Mark came in with his football friends and sat next to us.

"I heard Tyler got suspended for a week after that fight" Sarah said  "Adam had a concussion and a broken wrist" she added

"Why'd they even fight?" I asked

"Nobody knows, Tyler doesn't really talk to me much" she replied looking down.

I did all my class work and handed it in. The next few classes were long. Landon hasn't shown up to school either. After school we all went to marks house. I walked in and noticed that there were beer bottles and a new keg in the kitchen.

"What's going on?"  I asked him

"Well all this college stuff has everyone stressed so, I figured why not throw a small party to release some of that tension" he said as he fell onto the couch.

"Do you think it's a good idea, I mean after everything at school" I asked

School has been getting harder. Everyone's so worked up over all the gang shootings and fights that have recently taken place. The mayor sent extra police to patrol at night. I mean the fights usually took place outside of school .

But last week. When Tyler and Adam fought. It marked a new era for our little town. Now the fights and rivalries were brought in to school. It wasn't a peaceful place anymore. Everything had changed.

"Ariana our town shouldn't be scared of these gangs. We can't party because we're scared some of them will show up?! That's ridiculous!" He said standing up

"What if they show up?!" I yelled "were just teenagers not the swat team mark!"

We turned around and before he could say anything I saw will and couple other guys bring in chips and more beer.

"I'm gonna go home and get changed , I'll call you later" I said to mark

He didn't reply, he just followed will into the kitchen. I got home and finished my homework just before marks little party. I put on skinny ripped jeans and a warm Nike sweater.
I charged my phone and walked down the stairs.

"Hey mom I'm going to marks " I said

I saw her Sitting down on the couch reading the mail.

"Ariana, I just got a letter from the mayor, starting tomorrow there will be a nine o clock curfew" she said "for everyone in the town until the gang affiliated problems get cleared up"

"My friends won't be too happy about that" I joked

Sarah picked me up and we drove to marks.

"I usually like parties but I have a bad feeling about this one" Sarah said.

"'Me too" I said

The car ride was quiet. We had to park two blocks away from marks house because all the spots were taken by people who were already there.

"I thought you said this was a small party"

"It was" I relied " but mark knows how to twist words up"

We walked in and noticed that everyone was here. Our entire senior graduating class which was like 140 students plus some seniors from other schools.

"Well here goes nothing" I say

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