Chapter 26

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It was the day before Ouran's fair. Although Miyuki would have loved to play around with the host club she was busy running around for other people. She offered her interior design services to one person and suddenly she is helping every single person with their set up.

"This would look best over here, and that table should go in the other room or this one will be too crowded. No! That couch is the wrong color! It should be monorail silver, not morning fog!" Miyuki sighed and rubbed her temples. She had been doing this for three days and outside of the few classes they had a day she hadn't gotten to see Kyoya at all. Miyuki groaned and walked outside. She needed to go to another building to help another group.

"Hey Miyu nee-chan!" Miyuki turned her head in the direction of the voice. She waved to her brother and the other hosts. They were all riding a horse-drawn carriage with Hikaru and Mori driving it.

"Come join us!" Tamaki yelled. They stopped right next to the girl.

"I don't have time. I need to help the cooking club with their cafe set up" Miyuki furrowed her brows and gave her friends a weak smile.

"Surely you could spare a few minutes. We might as well take you there" Kyoya pointed out. Miyuki rolled her eyes playfully. Kyoya held out his hand and Miyuki took it, hopping into the carriage.

Soon enough the fairs opening ceremony had begun. The host club quickly got to work. Miyuki sat down at the piano and began playing some music while the hosts served their quests. They were open to parents and visitors for the next few days so they had to be on top of their charm.

Tamaki's father stepped in and Miyuki decided it was time to take a break. Kyoya was sitting on the couch with the man, so Miyuki joined them.

"It's a pleasure to see you, as always Miyuki dear" The chairman greeted. Miyuki giggled quietly and shook his hand.

"I would have to agree with you uncle. I wanted to thank you for allowing me into your school. I've been enjoying my time here" The two of them chatted nicely for awhile. The very first day they met the chairman urged her to call him uncle and while offering her a rose. Ever since then it kind of just stuck. Kyoya then asked if he needed anything. Suprisingly the chairman requested to chat with Haruhi. Miyuki said her goodbyes and began to play again.

Suddenly a loud slap reverberated through the room. All eyes were on the pair. Kyoya's father had just slapped him. Miyuki's eyes widened in rage. She took a calming breath and began to make her way over to Mr.Otori.

"Is this how my son has been wasting his time? You are an embarrassment to the Otori name" He scolded. Kyoya just stood there and took it. He picked up his glasses from the ground and put them back on his head. Before leaving Mr.Otori apologized to Mr.Suoh.

Miyuki snuck outside and made her way through the halls. She stopped Mr.Otori as he was about to turn the corner. Miyuki smiled up at him.

"Mr.Otori" She called out. The man stopped in his tracks to look at his most valuable business partner.

"Ah Miss. Haninozuka. I'm sorry for that display just now" He said. Miyuki walked up closer to him.

"It was rather unsightly. I would like to think that you were a loving father. I suppose that isn't one of your priorities though." She sighed. Mr.Otori shook his head.

"Such a shame, that boy. He tried so hard for something he can never get"

"There is more than shame in that situation. What I find shameful is the way you used us. I hope you don't do that to all of your clients. It would be a shame if one of them decided to retaliate. It would be a tragedy to see the company you worked so hard to maintain fall because of one little mistake" Mr.Otori clenched his teeth. So this was her fault? He should have known.

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