Chapter 9

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"The beach?" Haruhi asked. The twins were bothering her about something. Miyuki looked over from her Italian homework at the group.

The beach huh? That sounded fun.

All of a sudden the club room was full of swimsuits from the twins. Miyuki stood up and looked through all of them. The boys were explaining to Honey why Haruhi needed a two-piece bathing suit with ruffles. There were a few cute bathing suits, but she honestly didn't care for most of them.

Suddenly her phone rang and Catalan characters popped up spelling Laia. She squealed happily and picked up the phone.

"Hi, Laia. It's been too long" Miyuki spoke in Catalan to her friend over the phone.

"I was missing you and wanted to check up on how things are going" Laia responded. Numerous other voices from the other side of the line began screaming greeting to Miyuki.

"Nicolau! Nuria! Alba! How are you all doing?" The strange words coming from across the room drew the attention of the hosts.

"What is Miyuki saying?" Tamaki asked.

"It sounds like Catalan. However, I don't know what she is saying" Kyoya informed.

" I was actually wondering if you would be willing to help construct one of my new designs for a hotel building?" Laia asked. Miyuki immediately agreed and they talked about the specifics before hanging up.

"So we're going to the beach right?" She asked as if the whole exchange before didn't happen. The host club just stared at her blankly.

"Miyu nee-chan knows a bunch of different languages guys. She can speak Spanish, English, French, Chinese, German and a whole bunch of other ones" Honey said. Mori nodded along saying the statement was indeed true. Kyoya began writing down in his little black book.

Fast forwards to the next day. Everyone was at the beach in Okinawa. Kyoya's family owned a private beach there and they couldn't go overseas because Haruhi didn't have a passport. Miyuki didn't mind. What she did mind was the host club taking all of their clients to the beach. That meant she couldn't have any fun.

While the hosts were entertaining their guests, Miyuki played beach volleyball with the twins for a while until she got tired. She walked around to find Haruhi, Honey, and Mori going shellfish hunting. She grabbed a bucket and began collecting with them.

It didn't seem like the kind of beach that would have those kinds of things, but whatever. After some time had passed the four of them had three plastic tubs and a bunch of buckets full of Shellfish.

"Dinners going to be awesome! A major haul!" Haruhi yelled Tamaki came over and picked up a carb.

"Don't you think this crab is Craptiviating?" He asked. Haruhi and Miyuki laughed and agreed with the blond boy. A centipede crawled off of the crab he was holding and all of the girls went running except for Miyuki and Haruhi. The blonde girl grabbed the crab from Tamaki and Haruhi grabbed the centipede and threw it over some rocks.

"Hey Haruhi now I know most girls aren't the bug loving type and I certainly didn't think you were but" Hikari began.

"Don't you think you could've gone a bit easier on the little guy?" Kaoru finished. Haruhi knows she didn't kill it and was pretty relaxed about the whole thing. The girls crowded around talking about how brave and manly Haruhi was.

"Haruhi just isn't normal. I thought all girls were afraid of bugs" The twins said.

"I'm sure she's afraid of something," Tamaki said. The twins then came up with a new game. Who could find Haruhi's weakness game? Kyoya then offered up some pictures of middle school Haruhi as a prize. All of the hosts, as well as Miyuki, wanted to play.

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