Chapter 19

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It was before club hours and Miyuki was enjoying cake with Honey when they heard a voice from outside of the club room.


"Yasuchika?" They both said at the same time. Chika jumped and kicked at Honey from on top of Mori's shoulders. Haruhi seemed confused as they fought. At the same time Renge came up from below and began doing play by play of the fight.

Chika took out his staff and Honey dodged the attacks. He blokced Chika's hit but still jumped back. While in the air he threw shurikin at the brown haired boy and pinned him to the ground. Miyuki set her tea down and uncrossed her legs.

"So Yasuchika, are you prepared to fight me next?" Miyuki asked. Yasuchika swallowed the lump in his throat but nodded all the same. Miyuki smiled brightly at her brother before delivering one swoft kick that sent him flying.

Once all of that was settled Chika sat across from Haruhi on the couch explaining to her the Haninozuka way.

"We have been trained to fight whenever we come face to face with a family member" Chika said. Haruhi looked over to Miyuki and Honey were eting cake togther happily.

"But i've never seen those those fight" Haruhi said pointing to the them. Miyuki looked at her with her mouth stuffed with cake.

"We fight every morning before school starts. They usually end pretty quickly" Miyuki swallowed her cake and shoved more in her mouth.

"Yeah. Miyu nee-chan always wins" Honey said happily. They both finished a cake in no time flat.

"Kyoya can we have another cake please?" Miyuki asked. Kyoya sighs and nods going to get them another strawberry cake. Chika got up and began to walk out of the room.

"I've said this once and I'll say it again. Don't go near me at school" Chika huffed before walking away. Honey got up and stared out of the window. Miyuki and Mori looked at the boy sadly. Tamaki walked up to the sad lolita boy.

"Honey, what should we do with this extra piece of cake?" Tamaki asked. Hiney tunred around with a smile on his face.

"I'll eat it" he declared. Miyuki looked at her phone.

"I've got to take this call" Miyuki then ran out of the club room. In actuality she didn't have a phone call, she went after Chika.

"Yasuchika. Yashichika!" She yelled. Her younger brother stopped and faced his sister.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh? Mitskuni really cares about you" She said. Chika crossed his arms and looked away.

"He's getting what he deserves" He pouted.

"What happened? You practiacally worshiped Mitskuni before I left" Miyuki looked down sadly. She knows it was her fault that she was gone, but it felt bad knowing her family chnaged while she was away.

"You know you can talk to me Yasuchika, right?" Myuki asked. She wrapped her arms around her borther and hugged him. She laid her head on his head as he hugged her back.

"Yeah I know Miyuki nee-san" Miyuki smiled and pat him on the head before telling her what he was thinking,

Miyuki giggled while Chika stood there looking completely serious.

"Sorry I don't mean to laugh, but i'm happy it's something as simple as that." Miyuki pat her younger brother on his head.

"You're not any better. You left us" Chika declared. Miyuki looked away sadly.

"I know and i'm sorry for that, but you know I hate it when you're upset." Miyuki took her hand off of her brothers head and it fell back down to her side.

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