Chapter 17

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The next morning Miyuki was woken up by Haruhi. They had to get to work. Miyuki nodded and did her usual routine before she began cooking breakfast. She wasn't the best cook but nothing on the menu was too hard to make, and Misuzu had all the recipes in a book. Soon enough Tamaki walked in with the man. Miyuki took that as her cue to leave. Instead, she began putting the silverware on the tables. She then took to sweeping the floor.

A boy came in the bed and breakfast to deliver some produce. Miyuki smiled at the boy and waved. Misuzu asked Haruhi to come to get the box, but she stopped when she saw the boy's face. The boy called out Haruhi's name and she did the same.

"Do you know him?" Miyuki walked put her broom to the side and grabbed the box from Haruhi.

"Yeah. We went to the same middle school" Miyuki nodded and took the food to the kitchen before coming back out so she could finish sweeping.

The twins and Tamaki stood in between the two of them while they talked.

"So these your friends?" The boy asked. Haruhi looked down at them before introducing them to the boy.

"This is Hikaru and Kaoru and this... is an acquaintance of mine" She introduced Tamaki. Misuzu slammed her fingers on the piano as Tamaki shot back in disbelief. Miyuki giggled when Tamaki asked him not to add sound effects to his misery.

"You two an chat. I'll bring you out some tea" Miyuki offered. Haruhi and her friend took a seat at the table and talked. Miyuki set some tea down in front of them before joining the host club at the bar.

"Hey, Haruhi shouldn't you be working? You shouldn't be slacking off!" Hikaru yelled. Miyuki smacked him in the back of his head and put another iced tea in front of him.

"Don't be rude, and Misuzu said she could sit and chat you moron" Hikaru cradled the back of his head and pouted.

"It is weird though. I mean she doesn't have to, but she never really talks about what school was like for her before she came to Ouran" Miyuki mentioned.

They all talked for a while but it seems Hikaru was getting agitated. He kept making rude remarks about the boy.

"It's obvious this guy had a thing for Haruhi. It's sickening to watch him try and flirt" Hikaru spat. Miyuki smacked him upside the head again while Haruhi stood up and yelled at him.

"Hikaru, what's wrong with you? Quit acting like such a jerk" Haruhi yelled. The boy said it was alright and admitted he did have a thing for her once, but it wasn't like that anymore. Tamaki demanded to hear the story of how she turned him down.

Apparently, he wanted to go to the same school as her but her clueless self that's all it was and she didn't pick up on his feelings. He took that as a rejection.

Miyuki giggled. Classic Haruhi.

"Haruhi..." Kyoya began. The lights turned off and a spotlight was being shined on only her and Honey, Mori, and Kyoya were all in police uniforms. Kyoya was writing in his black notebook as he asked her questions.

"So you broke this poor boy's heart just to get a laugh out of some sick joke?" He asked. Haruhi answered no but Honey just said it was a real crime what she did. The girl just didn't understand what he meant. She turned around to face the boy and apologized.

Everyone except for the twins sat around a table with the boy and they all talked. After a while, Tamaki called the twins over, but Hikari turned the down.

"Sorry but I'm not interested. Man, how stupid can you guys get. Where's the fun in sitting around talking about someone's past? I don't see the appeal. Besides doesn't that guy realize that Haruhi wants nothing to do with him? She's got plenty of friends so she doesn't need you around, get it? "Miyuki couldn't believe how rude Hiakru was being. Haruhi had enough. She stood up and slammed her hands on the table and walked over to him before smacking him in the face.

An Oraun High School Host Club StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon