Chapter 12

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" I'm almost done. Sorry, this took so long" Miyuki apologized. Nekozawa laid on the couch in the same position he had for the last few weeks. The girl was almost done with the painting and she couldn't wait for that day to come. She was really proud of what she had already done, so the finished piece will be beautiful without a doubt.

"We can take a break. I can tell you're stiff. Say, you haven't seen it yet, have you? It's not completely done but want to take a peek?" Miyuki offered. She always tried to hide the painting from the boy, so he jumped at the chance to see what all hours of posing he had done accomplished.

His eyes widened at the piece. It was so realistic and beautiful. It amazed him that someone could manipulate oil paints to that degree. Every feature of his was bright and completely perfect. She had even put the flicker of the flame in his eyes. As he stared at the painting it was almost as if the candle in the back was swaying and moving around. A blush fell onto his face. Miyuki was amazing. She was so kind and had such skill for the arts. Nekozawa felt his heart beating quickly. Miyuki was such an amazing artist yet she picked him to paint. For some reason, a small sense of pride filled him with knowing this.

"It's coming out well. You're such a beautiful muse. I could paint you forever" Miyuki giggled quietly as not to startle the boy.

Nekozawa looked up at her and just noticed how close they were. Through the romantic candlelight, he could see her azure eyes sparkled with shades of red and orange, and her pink lips seemed soft and almost red in color. He felt the urge to lean in and touch them. When he realized what he was thinking he shot back.

A small girlish voice was heard from the other side of the door. Nekozawa perked up.

"Kirimi! Kirimi!" He rushed to the door that leads to the host club. Miyuki looked out and saw Tamaki holding a little girl and spinning her around in the air. The little girl was so cute.

"Kirimi" Nekozawa said aloud. Miyuki's eyes widened. He didn't have his cloak and wig on.

"Wait Nekozawa!" Miyuki tried to call, but she was beaten to it by a maid wearing purple and a bald security guard from Nekozawa's family. They threw his wig and clock on for him as well and giving him his belzenef doll. The club seemed shocked that it was Nekozawa. His maid then began talking about how Nekozawa had a sensitivity to sunlight and passes out in bright places, while Kirimi is scared of the dark. The tragic relationship between two loving siblings that are torn apart by unusual circumstances. Kirimi was scared of Nekozawa.

The maid and security guard tried to get Kirimi to go home but she was attached to Tamaki claiming he was her big brother. Nekozawa was really upset and ran away as he told Tamaki to make her happy.

"Wait!" Miyuki called out to him, but he didn't stop. She would need to make a mental note to talk to him later. She was his only friend after all.

Tamaki then told Kirimi that he, in fact, wasn't her brother and that he was still out there. He declared that she was a guest of the host club and it was their job to make their clients happy. He wanted to change Nekozawa's character so he could be with his sister and Rengae was going to coach him.

"Wait guys. This is serious. I know he loves his sister but he's really sensitive to light and we shouldn't force him to do anything" Miyuki reasoned. Haruhi agreed but both girl's advice went unheard by everyone.

The next day Nekozawa was brought into the host club and began his training. Miyuki sat in the dark corner with a small booklight to draw while she watched his training. She was making a quick sketch of Nekozawa's facial expressions. She felt bad that they were forcing him to spew stupid lines to a teddy bear dressed as Kirimi and flashing bright lights in his eyes.

Soon enough Haruhi came into the club room looking for Tamaki. Kirimi was making her read a bunch of shojo manga and she figured if he had enough free time to hug a doll version of her than she could spend some time with the little girl.

It was then that Kirimi showed up at the door and began tearing up because it was too dark. Tamaki came to the rescue and cheered up the little girl. Seeing that struck a match inside Nekozawa and he began chanting that he's a princely big brother before shining the flashlight directly into his face. Miyuki dropped her sketchbook and ran to his side.

"Are you okay Nekozawa?" She asked. He hadn't turned the light off so she was worried. The boy nodded and turned around to face Kirimi, but the scary expression the light was giving Nekozawa scared her off. Miyuki laid an arm on his shoulder as he despaired. He was never going to be able to be with Kirimi.

Kyoya watched the whole exchange. He had an odd feeling in his chest. It was foreign and unpleasant. He didn't like it very much. He wasn't sure what caused it, but it started when Miyuki touched Nekozawa. He felt a small amount of anger towards the dark prince.

"If you care about her, you'll do whatever it takes to win her over!" Tamaki declared to Nekozawa. Miyuki smiled at the kindness Tamaki showed the boy in her arms. She really hoped that Nekozawa would be able to win over his little sister.

The twins opened the curtains and let in the light.

"Hey look. Kirimi hasn't made it out of the building yet,"

"It looks like there's something down there with her," The twins said.

"It's a cat!" Miyuki said. Nekozawa looked up with a worried expression. Kirimi was sacred of cats.

Not wasting a second, Nekozawa jumped from the window, outside, and hugged his sister while he shoed away the cat. Miyuki smiled when she saw the expression Kirimi had when she looked at her brother. It was one of admiration, love, and pure happiness.

All of the hosts watched as he charmed his sister. He smiled and showed her belzenef. Miyuki noticed him swaying and jumped out of the window Nekozawa just did. She came just in time to catch him before he made contact with the ground.

"Nekoawa! Mori help me get him to the nurse. Honey grab his wig and cloak and follow us!" Miyuki shouted out orders. Mori also jumped out of the window. He picked up Nekozawa and carried him on his back. Honey ran out and offered his cloak to Miyuki. She thanked her brother and draped the clack over her friend.

"We need to go!" Miyuki yelled. Mori nodded and they both ran to the nurse. Miyuki thanked Mori and sat with the dark prince until he woke up. She told him all about Kirimi and how in love she was with him.

A few days later Nekozawa peeked his head into the hosts club room. Miyuki smiled and stopped him before he left.

"I have a gift for you!" She announced.

"Since I'm all done with the painting of you, I had some time to make something extra" She dug around in her bag before pulling out a canvas about the size of her abdomen. Miyuki happily presented the painting she had made of the two siblings together to her friend. He teared up and they shared a hug. Nekozawa then began walking down the hallway.

"You painted him Miyu nee-chan?" Honey asked. All of the hosts gathered around her. She had sparkles in her eyes as she spoke.

"He's the most beautiful muse I've ever laid my eyes on. I just had to paint him" She said with a dreamlike sigh following.

"Can we see it?" The twins asked. Miyuki shook her head.

"It's already hung up in my penthouse." She smiled brightly as she remembered the painting. She had hung it up in the wall in her dining room so she could admire it when she ate.

"What about me?" Tamaki asked. Miyuki turned away from him and shrugged. Tamaki pouted in the corner at Miyuki's lack of acknowledgment.

While they all messed around with Tamaki, Kyoya watched Miyuki laugh from where she stood. His first thought was why did she not paint him? Was he not attractive to her? Followed by anger from the fact a portrait of another man was hung in her house.

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