Chapter 24

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Today the hosts were dressed as samurai from the Edo period. Miyuki was, of course, dressed up as well. She was playing some fast-paced music on the piano in order to set the mood. From the side of her eye, she couldn't help but look at her Kyoya. He was so good looking. Miyuki bit her handkerchief. She wanted to draw him so bad. Taking her phone out of her pocket Miyuki snuck around the club room taking pictures of her beloved Kyo. His long hair was so pretty, Miyuki smiled at the pictures and set one of them as her lock screen and giggled in excitement.

As everyone was talking Mori suddenly picked up a spear and stabbed one of the paper walls. Miyuki ran to his side and grabbed his arm.

"Is everything alright Takashi?" She asked worriedly.

"Mori" Haruhi called out.

"Why the sudden lunge?" Asked Hikaru.

"Are you not getting enough attention?" was Kaoru's follow up.

"Calm down Mori! I know you're upset that you only get a line and episode. We're three-fourths through the season and you haven't had your own episode, is that it? Sorry!" Tamaki yelled.

"That's not it," Mori said calmy.

"We have a trespasser" Everybody calmed down when Mori opened the door to reveal a red-headed boy. The new boy lunged at Mori. Miyuki's instincts kicked in and she stood in front of the taller boy. She raised her leg to kick him but left it in the air when the boy decided to grovel at Mori's feet instead. Miyuki dropped her leg and looked at her cousin.

"Please take me on as your apprentice" He begged. Miyuki looked at him with an empty expression. What just happened? Mori seemed just as shocked as everyone else.

Once club was over the hosts all gathered on one couch while the redhead sat on one across from them. Behind the couch Honey, Mori, and Miyuki sat at a table. The siblings ate cake happily while Mori watched them. The boy, Cassanoda, began to explain how people are scared of him and how he just wanted friends.

Kyoya read from his little black book. He was the next head for a syndicate in the area. It is said that if you look at him you'll get nightmares for three months, if you bump into him you'll end up in the hospital, and if you talk back to him your life will be shortened.

Miyuki's eyes sparkled. She took a seat on the couch next to Cassanoda.

"So you're like really scary huh?" She asked while looking at him. Miyuki seemed really interested. The boy leaned away feeling awkward. Instead of catching on Miyuki began to poke his cheek.

"You don't look that scary to me" Miyuki pouted before leaning away from the boy.

Tamaki asked why a human weapon like Cassanode would want to be Mori's apprentice.

"Look I may be tough but I'm not a human weapon. I was just born with a face that makes me look mean all the time" He grumbled.

"At least you're aware of it Cassanova" The twins spoke. He corrected them, but they kept getting his name wrong. It was settled on Bossanova.

"I've always had this mean look. Even when I was a tike my dad would say I was going to become the greatest gangster around. Even since I was a kid I was taught to be a Godfather of a gang" Bossanova explained.

"My old man did a good job, but now everyone is afraid of me. Even my fellas are scared so I'm all alone" Miyuki sobbed at his story and hugged him.

"I'll be your fella" Bossanova went completely red. He's never had a chance to talk to a chick because they were so scared of him and now one was hugging him as if it was nothing.

An Oraun High School Host Club StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant