Chapter 1

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"ah" a figure stretched an arm above their head and sighed. After doing a few more small stretches the person sits back down and begins sipping on a juice box.

"Flight MH2233 is about to begin boarding. Please have your tickets ready" A lady's robotic voice called out. The figure hopped up and was first on the plane. They settled down in their first-class cabin. They pulled their phone out of their pocket and looked at the picture on the screen. A little girl stood in the middle with a boy about her age on each side of her. One had blonde hair like the girl and the other was a brunet. On either side of the boys was a man and a woman, presumably their parents. The older male har short cut brown hair accompanied by a scowl plaguing his face. The woman was blonde and her features were close to angelic. Her blue eyes were being hit by the sun making them reflect the hue of the sea and her elegant white dress was being swept up by the breeze. She had a large smile on her face happy to be with her family.

A smile found it's way to the figures face. She put her red headphones wth the light up cat ears on and grabbed a sketchbook as well as a few other art supplies. The person began sketching a building with amazing detail. It was the size of a mall with beautiful glass walls surrounding the whole first level. A few other details were added to keep the building feeling spacious enough. A large garden space was marked for behind the building. They hadn't realized how long they were sketching until a noise that wasn't coming from her headphones began to speak.

"Flight MH2233 will be arriving in Japan in a few minutes. Please prepare yourself for landing" a smile made it's way to their face. They began putting their things away into their carry on and looked out the window to see Japan. They smiled.

"I'll see everyone soon!" they said happily as they stepped off of the plane. She got her suitcase and headed towards a red Lamborghini parked in front of the airport. They threw their things into the passenger's seat and sat down. they looked at themselves in the mirror. Her hair was as blonde as ever and her dark blue eyes sparkled with happiness. A large smile spread across her face and the car began to move.


"I challenge you!" a brown-haired boy pointed at a cute blonde boy.

"but Chika, we fought yesterday. It's cake time too" Honey looked down at his strawberry cake sadly. He just wanted to eat his sweets.

"If I win you have to stop eating cake!" Chika yelled pointing at the blond high school boy. Honey looked up with a cute but determined look on his face.

"Who's that?" Haruhi asked. She was forced to become a host yesterday and people are already fighting. Kyoya joined Tamaki by Haruhi's side with his black notebook in his hands.

"That is Honey's younger brother Yasuchika Haninizuka. He challenges Honey often" Kyoya began to explain their relationship to her.

"I just don't think siblings should fight" Haruhi sighed, not at all used to the weirdness of these people yet.

Chika jumped up and delivered blow after blow towards Honey, but the older sibling simply smiled while complimenting Chika on his progress. Not a single strike made contact. Chika grimaced as Honey took a bite of cake while he caught his breath. The brown-haired boy took a rod out of his back pocket. It extended into a staff about as tall as Chika himself. Both siblings circled around each other as Chika adjusted his staff. The younger one attacked Honey and they began jumping around the room. Chika attacked with his staff. It was going to make contact with Honey. Mori looked shocked.

The wind from the attack stopped. Chika's staff was being held back by the finger of a girl. Her other hand had ninja stars in between each of her fingers and Honey was wrapped towards the girl's chest with her elbow choking him.

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