Chapter 18

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Miyuki glared at the hosts in front of her. It was Sunday and their last day of summer vacation and they had the audacity to wake her up before six. She let out a small growl scaring them to the pther side of her room.

"I was up until five working out a business deal and you have the gull to wake me up this early? If you aren't gone when I get to one i'll murder you all" Miyuki growled. Honey jumped on her bed and pat her head while Tamaki went on about some commonders expo.

"I know what and expo is dumbass. I don't care how you want to spend your last day of vacation, but today is my only off day." Miyuki snarled before going back to sleep.

"But Miyu nee-chan" Honey wined. Miyuki threw him across the room, but he did a flip and landed perfectly. Miyuki sat up in her bed with demon eyes. Honey mad eye contact with his sister and held it for a few seconds.

"If you come i'll give you cake" Honey tried. Miyuki just grunted.

"Whoever lands the first hit wins" Honey said. Miyuki was always up for a challenge. The sibling fought back and forth for a few minutes before Honey was ableto kick Miyuki in the side. She grunted and fell back on her bed.

"Fine. Let me get dresses" Miyuki graoned. The host club celebrated before going donwstairs.

"And if even a speck of dust is out of place i'll kill you all" Miyuki yelled from upstairs. For some reasona ll of the hosts had deja vu.

While everyone else went to go wake up Kyoya, Miyuki navigated her way through the house until she found Mr. Otori's office. She knocked on the door and was invited in.

"Hello Miss. Haninozuka. What can I do for you?" He asked. Miyuki took a seat in front of his desk and crossed her legs. She laced her fingers together and leaned forwards.

"I don't have much time, but I have an idea that will benifit us both" Miyuki was able to pittch her idea before Tamaki began calling out to her. She excused herself.

"Think about it" She waved to her business partner before meeting up with the rest of the hosts. Tamaki was carrying a sleeping Kyoya on his back. When they got in the car Miyuki purposfully sat next too Tamaki so she could lay Kyoya down on her lap. For the whole ride Kyoya slept soundly on her thighs. He even nuzzled into them making Miyuki blush.

When they arrived at the shopping mall all of the hosts were excited. Even Miyuki. Her and Honey were so busy chanting for icecream that they didn't notice Tamaki drop Kyoya. Whent hey made it to the roof and Miyuki got her chocolate and starwberry icecream she tunred around.

"Want some Kyo... Kyoya?" She noticed that Kyoya wasn't with them. She looked all over the room befre she realized they left him somewhere. Without telling anybody, Miyuki wandered off to go find the black-haired boy.

She started on the bottom level and looked around for awhile. She perked up when she saw the black tuffs of Kyoya's hair. She picked up her pace and headed towards the boy, but when he was in view she also saw Haruhi. They were eating together. Miyuki's heart sank. They looked like they were enjoying the others company. Miyuki looked down and felt her heart squeez painfully.

Miyuki had come to terms with the fact that she had more than a little crush on Kyoya. The boy was just so pefect. His slick back hair, his cool facial expression, the way he presents himself. Every aspect of Kyoya was attractive to her. His personality was rough around the edges, and he only did things that would benefit himself, but that didn't really bother Miyuki. She knew that with two older brothers that excelled in everything he had to work harder than everyone else, but the drive and the rush he gets from competeing with his brothers... Miyuki could tell Kyoya enjoyed it. She lived for the day that he could prove to his father juts how much better than them he was. She wished to be by his side when that day comes.

However she didn't trick herself into thinking Kyoya would recipricate her feelings. She was fine with that, but it didn't make her feel good when he looked so content being with another girl. She smiled sadly and made her way back up to the roof.

Miyuki laughed as she rode the carousel with the twins. They were both riding on horses and she had a small bench to rest on. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she picked it up. It was supposed to be her day off.

"Haninozuka here. Talk" Miyuki said. The twins looked back hearing Miyuki's voice. They saw her talking on her cell phone. They sighed when they realized she was working.

"It seems like Miyuki is always working. She ditched us the whole summer for business trips and meetings. They hardly had any time together.

"She's always working, huh?" Hikaru asked.

"Yeah" Kaoru responded. When the ride stopped Miyuki got up and wallked towards the twins.

"I have some work to attend to. I'll be taking my leave" Miyuki told them. She clicked a few buttons on her phone and put it back to her ear.

"I need you to pick me up. Bring me an outfit." Miyuki spoke and hung up.

"Tell the others when you get the chance" Miyuki sighed and headed down to the base level and walked out to a nearby cafe where there was less traffic. Soon enough her assisstant, Hizashi Kimatsu, pulled up. Miyuki thankd him and and hopped into the back seat. She saw a bacl suit that was drycleaned and wrapped in plastic.

"Head over to the Suoh estate" Miyuki began to change her clothes in the backseat. Once she was done she sighed.

The Suoh's were interested in buying some real estste that she owned and building a hotel there. Outside of the Otori's, the Suoh's were her biggest clinets. Thy didn't call upon her as often, but when they did it was usually a large project thatw as very expensive.

When Miyuki got to the estate she was immeditly greeted my Mr.Suoh as well as who she could only assume was Tamaki's grandmother. She bowed politly, greeting them both. She was taken inside and they began talking business.

Miyuki listened as her clinet drawled on about a new project. They were in a meeting for a few hours before Miyuki began asking questions. It wasn't a bed idea, but there were a few holes in the plan. Mr.Suoh wanted her to work those out.

"No one knows architecure like you do Miss. Haninozuka" He said. Miyuki sighed as she left the estate with a packet full of information. While in the car she reviwed it. She would need to fix a few things, but outside of that it was a solid plan.

Later that night she began sketching blue prints for her new project. She had numerous others, but this one was her top priotiy at the moment. It seemed like no matter how many hours she puts into her work it never seems to end.

Maybe she would take a break at one of the Otori facilities. Actually, maybe she should go to one of her own. Maybe she ould invite the host club. Things were most fun when they were around.

An Oraun High School Host Club Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें