Chapter 15

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The next day at school Miyuki was silent all throughout the day. She kept to herself completely and refused to even really say anything to Mori and Honey. She moped around school the whole day even during the club. Instead of having guests, the club played games during their hosting hours. A group of three strange boys was watching and one even had a camera.

Miyuki played the first few, but she wasn't really up to it. Instead, she sat down in the grass and watched. She tucked her needs into her chest and laid her head on top.

Tamaki was talking to the three boys about the wonder of commoners games. From what she could tell they were the newspaper club. They were there to do an article on the host club.

Now that she thought about it, Miyuki wasn't even in the host club. She's just the sister and cousin of two hosts. Other girls would kill to be in her place yet she was sitting there pouting because of her own business. She isn't as cute as Honey, and she wasn't a host. She wasn't hiding her gender like Haruhi and she wasn't as down to Earth as the other girl was. She was just an average teenager who liked to draw. She didn't contribute to the host club at all. Maybe it would be best if she just left them all alone. Maybe she could join the karate club with Chika.

Miyuki stood up and sighed. She wasn't needed or wanted there. Maybe she should just go home and back her bags.

"Hey Honey! I'm heading home early. I'm not feeling very well. I'll see you on Monday" Miyuki waved lazily to her brother and walked away. All of the hosts gathered together and watched the girl walk away.

"Miyu nee-chan hasn't been acting like herself," Honey said sadly. Mori agreed.

"She won't tell us anything either-"

"She just keeps saying it's work" The twins added.

"I've never seen her so down before," Tamaki said. Kyoya crossed his arms.

"It's none of my business but she asked to go to Barcelona with her tomorrow," Kyoya told them. They all seemed shocked. Was she going back to Barcelona?

"Alright men. Operation 'keep Miyuki in Japan and cheer her up while we're at it' is underway" Tamaki announced.

"But before that let's play Komketi!" The boys resumed their games.

Miyuki sighed and sunk into her bed. She supposed she should get her bags packed. This time of year it was warm in Spain so she made sure to pack some shorts. It was still light outside and she hadn't eaten dinner, but she was so tired.

Miyuki slid on her shoes and walked out of her hotel. She was just going to go get some sushi from a takeout place. She quickly got her food and walked back to her penthouse. She ate alone and went to bed alone. For some reason, she was feeling rather lonely. She was probably just anxious to see Laia, Nicolau, Nuria, and Alba.

Maybe she should spend some time with her family when she got back.

The next day rolled around and Miyuki was stuck at work. She wasn't able to attend school giving the boys the perfect amount of time to come up with an outrageous plan to keep her with them.

"We are all going to Spain!" Announced Tamaki. Everyone was all for the idea, well mostly. Haruhi still didn't have a passport.

"If she asked Kyo-chan then why don't we leave it to him?" Honey offered. All of the club members looked at Kyoya who was writing in his black book. Immediately Honey saw the error in his words. There was no way Kyoya would help. Suddenly Rengr spiraled up from her motor in the club room.

"Hahahahahahahah" She laughed.

"Let's just train Kyoya to be the princely type!" She yelled. Kyoya paled as the club surrounded him

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