Chapter 3

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The next day, Miyuki found herself not paying attention to class at all. She had an important business meeting today at night over dinner with one of her clients. She was asked to design their new mansion of a house. He was a rather rich man who owned an electronics company. If she is able to score a deal with him tonight she might be able to establish a partnership with his company. It would make getting the electric easier as well as purchasing the electronics themselves. The workers in her company needed upgraded phones.

Not caring about the lesson, Miyuki grabbed her computer and began typing up a proposal. She was very intent on getting it done before the school day. It would make matters easier during the meeting. 

"Ahem," The sound of someone clearing their voice rang through the silent classroom. Miyuki looked up to see the teacher staring at her. 

"Why are you not paying attention?" Her literature teacher asked.

"I have a business deal I need to draw up a contract for. This proposal is more important than relearning about haiku's" She said bluntly before looking back down at her computer to continue typing. 

After what seemed like forever the final bell rang, Miyuki just finished typing the final draft of her proposal in perfect timing. She felt shadows above her as she closed her computer. It was one of the blonde boys she had seen in the music room the day before. Next to him stood a familiar black-haired boy with a notebook in his hand. 

"Miyuki are you coming to visit the host club today?" The blond asked with an excited tone. She thought about it for a second. Well, she had promised Honey she would spend time with him...

"I suppose" She answered. The blond, named Tamaki, grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the club room while talking her ear off.

When she and the boys arrived at the host club the other hosts were getting dressed in their kimonos. When Miyuki saw Honey she squealed and hugged him tightly, spinning around in circles.

"You're so cute Mitskuni" She cooed. Mori nodded his head in agreement. Miyuki walked up to the tall and silent boy. She grabbed his wrist and pulled it down so she could pat him on the head. 

"You're very handsome as well Takashi," She said. The male nodded in thanks before going to stand next to Honey. 

"Miyu nee-chan you might want to bring your things today. We're going to be hosting outside with the cherry blossoms today and I know you like to draw flowers!" He said. Miyuki thought about it for a second before nodding. That sounded like a good idea.

Once all of the hosts arrived and were dressed the group made their way outside. Miyuki sat next to Honey, Mori, and Haruhi while she drew, but she quickly became annoyed with people trying to look at her sketch before it was done. Instead, she bid her family and Haruhi goodbye and walked around to try and find an empty picnic blanket. 

There was a dark blue one hidden near the corner without anyone sitting on it. Perfect. She made herself comfortable and continued to draw the blooming flowers. She was able to draw a whole page of rough scenery before she decided to draw something else. She looked around and spotted Tamaki, the president of the host club. He had very symmetrical features, so she figured it would be fun to try and draw him. She watched him closely taking in every expression of his she could before deciding on his simple smile while he looked at the flowers. 

Miyuki continued drawing the trees before moving onto her muse for this drawing, Tamaki. She started by drawing his rough figure before adding clothes and them finally moving onto his face. 

"That's a well-drawn piece of art" A voice coming from behind her startled Miyuki causing her to draw a line across the whole page. The male responsible for this stood up and fixed his glasses. 

"Ah, Kyoya Otori" She hummed. Miyuki looked back down at her drawing and scowled. A good hour of work down the drain. She pouted slightly. 

"I"m sorry if I startled you" His smooth voice admitted. Miyuki shook her head. 

"It's fine. I couldn't seem to get his facial expression right anyway" She reasoned. Miyuki stood up and checked the time on her phone. 

"It's about time I leave anyway. I have a meeting to attend" The blonde girl packed her art supplies in her bag before standing up. 

"A meeting for what, may I ask?" Kyoya said to her. Miyuki didn't bother to turn around. 

"A business deal with Shirotori Electronics. I want to him to supply my projects with his equipment" Miyuki waved to the boy before walking over to her brother and cousin and telling them she had to leave. Honey hugged his sister and Mori just nodded in her direction. 

"Good luck Miyu nee-chan!" Honey called as she walked away. 

Later that night Miyuki met Mr. Shirotori for dinner. It was a rather fancy restaurant that has a five-star rating and a famous chef behind the counter. 

"I see..." The man murmured while reading her proposal. 

"If you were to give my company discounts on electronics for the company as well as electronics you would be making a considerable amount of money. It will no doubt give you more customers considering how many houses I design each year as well as hotels. You would only be benefiting from this offer" Miyuki explained. The older businessman looked up at the young girl in front of him with narrowed eyes. 

"I see, but what's to stop you from purchasing these things from another company? If we make this deal and you don't hold up your part of the deal it could be bad for my company" The man smirked at his own intellect and wit. Miyuki just nodded her head and looked at the contract. 

"You do not supply everything I would need, so I would have to branch out into different companies, but by making this deal would mean I would come to you first for my needs. Besides, you have nothing to lose here." She pointed out. Miyuki smirked at the man and laced her fingers together before resting her head upon them. 

"I know about your situation and I'm being generous enough to try and help you out of it. You're in no place to refuse me right now Mr.Shirotori." Miyuki was smiling as he looked away with panic. She had got him. 

Shirotori Electronics had been making some shady deals and now their profit is plummeting for no reason. Large sums of money are going missing. The company could go bankrupt any day now. 

"Fine. I agree to your terms" He spoke through his clenched teeth. Miyuki nodded as the man before her signed the contract. Men like this thrived off of money and would do anything to keep it. These were the easiest clients to deal with; the desperate ones.

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