Chapter 4

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The next day at school where the physical exams. A herd of students all gathered in a room with a large number of doctors and nurses. Tamaki had grabbed Miyuki in the classroom so they could walk together along with Kyoya. 

"I'm ready to protect Haruhi," Tamaki said with a determined look on his face. Miyuki sighed. She's only known these idiots for a day and she could already tell they were up to something stupid. 

"What I don't understand is why she's even in your little club. She's a g-" Tamaki smacked a hand over Miyuki's mouth and shushed her dramatically. 

"Yes, please keep that knowledge to yourself," Kyoya said. Miyuki nodded lazily and tore Tamaki's hand off of her mouth. With a shake of her head, she walked into the physical examination room. Right as she walked in she noticed Honey and Mori in doctor costumes. 

"Why are Honey and Mori in doctor's uniforms?"  Miyuki asked. She and Kyoya joined Haruhi in staring at the two boys. It seems Tamaki had split off somewhere else.

"I brought those two for backup just in case something happens," Kyoya said. That still didn't really answer the question. 

"But why are they in doctor disguises?" Haruhi asked. Kyoya pushed up his glasses and leaned on one hip.

"They're just helping to set the mood. Besides, disguises make our operation feel like a real espionage mission" The black-haired boy added. Miyuki and Haruhi looked dumbfounded but went along with it anyway.

"Excuse me, Miss. Haninozuka I'll be your nurse for today's exam. Please, come this way" Miyuki waved the two goodbye and followed the nurse into a curtained off area. 

"Today we will be taking height, weight, blood pressure, and your chest measurements" The nurse informed. Miyuki nodded and stepped on the scale. 

"41 kilograms. You seem to be on the slim side" The nurse said. Next was her height and blood pressure. 

"165 centimeters and your blood pressure is healthy" The nurse informed. Next, it was the chest measurement. Miyuki slipped off the top of the yellow monstrosity of a dress revealing her pink lace bra. She turned around and the nurse had to hold back a gasp. On her back was a long pale scar that ran from her shoulder blade down into the rest of her dress. 

"Sorry about that. I fell off of a bridge when I was overseas and had to get surgery. I hope it's not too unsightly" Miyuki said. She noticed the hesitation of the nurse. 

"That's horrible. I'm sorry that happened to you" The nurse spoke as she measured Miyuki's chest size. 

It was truly an accident. While she was in Germany she wandered through a forest for inspiration and found a very old bridge made from brick. It was obviously unstable, but she was so taken in by its beauty she didn't notice. When she stepped on the bridge it collapsed and she fell into the stream below slicing her back on a rather jagged stone. She called out for hours until someone finally found her and she was rushed to the hospital. They had to perform surgery to get traces of stone out of her back and well as sew up the wound. 

"104 centimeters for your chest measurement. Thank you. You may return back to class" The nurse said. 

As she exited the small curtained off space she saw the one across from her open and out came Tamaki with a brown wig claiming to be Haruhi. The girls were not fooled in the slightest and the twins burst out laughing. Tamaki stormed up to them yelling about how he thought no one would figure it out. 

"Its payback for calling us the homosexual supporting cast," Hikaru said. Tamaki hugged the curtain that Miyuki guessed Haruhi was behind and apologized. Miyuki stepped right next to Tamaki just in time to see Haruhi's killer glare. She whistled and patted Tamaki on the back. 

"You should know never to make people like us mad Tamaki," She said before walking over to Honey and Mori. 

"You guys look ridiculous" She snickered. The boys both looked at her and Honey pouted. Miyuki watched as the other hosts exchanged words. They were a lively bunch alright. They reminded her of her crazy friends back in Barcelona. 

"Hey Honey, is it okay if I stop by your club today?" She asked. Honey's eyes sparkled. 

"Really? You'll come by today Miyu nee-chan?" Honey asked excitedly. Miyuki nodded and pat her older brother on the head. 

They all headed to where Haruhi was. Kyoya tapped her on the shoulder and told her about the special boy's clinic he set up for her. 

"Apparently all the doctors on staff are from Kyoya's hospital," Hikaru said. The twins shrugged. 

"Would've been nice to know sooner" Kaoru added. Kyoya pushed up his glasses and looked at the group. 

"I had to get my revenge too. I just don't think I'm supporting cast. Homosexual or otherwise" Kyoya said devilishly. 

"Wow so even Kyoya loves all the attention he gets from people," Miyuki said offhandedly. 

As Kyoya, Honey, Mori, and Miyuki walked through the halls they heard a commotion. It was a girl kneeling on the ground and crying about how one of the doctors sexually assaulted her. 

"I had a feeling this would happen" Kyoya sighed. He then explained that he saw a man wearing a doctor's coat that was clearly not on staff. 

"shouldn't you have said something sooner?" The twins asked.

"It's no big deal. I'm sure the security guard will catch him" Kyoya said nonchalantly. 

"Tell me, where did he go?" The doctor tending to the girl asked. She said he went towards the special boy's clinic and suddenly all the hosts were at high alert. 

"Haruhi!" They all yelled and ran towards where Haruhi was. Sometime as they ran Tamaki caught up to them. Tamaki busted the door open and ran towards the curtain. As the boys did their little script of what a host was Miyuki grabbed Haruhi in a hug so she wasn't as exposed to all of the males in the room.

"Let's go outside the curtain. Here you can wear my cardigan" The blonde handed the girl her pink cardigan and wrapped it around her. 

"Thanks, senpai," Haruhi said. Miyuki shook her head and all of the boys gathered outside of the curtain. The man began explaining how he was a doctor that treated people for free all the time and allowed people to pay at a later date, but it never seemed to work out. His daughter and wife left him so he came searching for his daughter so he could see her one last time. It was pretty obvious that a family of their social standing would not have a child attending Ouran Academy, and that he had the wrong campus. 

"I think the real reason they left you was because you didn't pay attention to them," The twins said. Tamaki was touched by the story and helped this man find the school he was looking for. 

Suddenly Haruhi nudged Miyuki and handed the girl her ringing phone. She sighed and told Honey she would have to raincheck playing for the club before answering her phone. 

"Hello? I see. I'll be right there" She said before hanging up and leaving. 

Her next client was throwing a fuss about how part of the house was being built. Miyuki was called to the site so she could oversee the project herself. 

An Oraun High School Host Club StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang