Cleo clambered up the barricade on the other side and down again before Jezio, unnoticed by the guards.  She looks to Jezio from where he was lounging against the wall of some occupants cottage. Upon entering the Village the first buildings are the bungalows of the villagers, their residences. This was their meeting nook. Behind the first  cottage after the barricade.

"Since when do you care how long I take?  There is no curfew. Besides it's not even  sunset yet, I am rather early, for you meaning we have more time." Cleo walks towards him, looking up into his towering figure. His eyes were glinting more, his smirk reaching them.

"Ah, fair enough, I was just becoming a little concerned about your whereabouts." He puts more emphasis on little by narrowing his eye.

Cleo looks down the sandy floor towards the inside guards. They look tedious and dead. Good. They won't bother.
"I was in a meeting." Cleo replies still looking at the guards.

Jezio nods. "Well..." He pushes off the wall,  Let's get started, there are guards roaming about as usual but the heat has caused them to fall back into the shade, so hidden for us." He rubs his hands together in excitement.


He nods again. "Shall we?" He motions deeper into the Village.

"Hell yes."

He takes the lead as always, and  she trails after him.

The bungalows were neatly lined in rows behind one another, a few gardens surrounding the houses, many women washing clothes in a washing basin and ordering their children to the Markets. No one took note of Cleo and Jezio at all; Cleo sighs in relief. No matter how many times Cleo will do this, she will always be weary whenever she heads to the Villages with Jezio. The Court; once they're ascertain of Cleo's whereabouts — will use it in ways to ruin her reputation as the last Elemental -—especially General Landon, and this was the last thing she wanted. She wasn't sure what they'd do if Cleo weren't to be crowned. She hasn't given it thought. But she's sure they'll die.

"Cleo? You're awfully quiet today, getting too hot?" Jezio moves back and falls into step beside her and looks down to her; concern lingering in his eyes.

Cleo sighs  and refuses to meet his eyes, "You know the heat doesn't bother me Jezio. And I'm thinking about my birth ceremony which will take place soon."

"That's right yes, you'll be crowned the last Elemental." Jezio looks into the distance, she can see his thoughts speeding across his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but shuts it again — as if what he were to say would offend her.

He speaks again,"So how are the preparations? Good? I heard from some scuttlebutt that a Mistress is to come and do some... carnal teachings." He smirks devilly.

Cleo can't help but grin at that, "Only you'll be heavily  interested in that Jez. And I won't be the only one who has to get those teachings, some servants as well. According to the Mistress it's for replenishing the desires of many guards. As if I care, but Landon is fond of her so I left it at that."

"Ah, I understand Landon still gets you all soft I see." His smirk fades.

Cleo looks at him hard, "What do you mean?"

"What? Did I say something? Oh pardon me Miss Cleo, I'm rather dull today." He bows down before her before gazing at her with that smirk again.

Cleo doesn't return it. She'd ask him about this again some time.

They continue on, the Market is close. She can scent the various foods, spices, fabrics and the always bustling activity occurring in the Markets. The quiet demeanor of the bungalows will soon give way to the most sedulous part of the entire Village.

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