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"Oh my god! You two actually broke up?!" that laughter echoed inside of the harlequin rabbit's mind.

It's been a month since she and her boyfriend broke up because of that dwarf slut! She vowed to humiliate that girl for the rest of her life. That's the punishment for sleeping with most of the boys in school. In fact, what's so special about a stinky, plain Netherland dwarf rabbit in comparison to a beautiful harlequin like her?

Is it because she's so small and cute?

Bullshit! There's a lot of grit and predation under those baby eyes and innocent expression!

Mizuchi slammed her laptop close when the memories of her ex-boyfriend clouded her thoughts. Getting over him was the hardest part of her life. How is she going to save her species from extinction when the only male harlequin rabbit doesn't want to date her anymore?

"Damn that slut," Mizuchi growled, throwing herself onto her bed in frustration. In her dorm, she shared rooms with other leporidaes who seemed to be wary of her. Well, they should be since she's the rare one in the room.

Most rabbits in the academy were either plain white, brown or even a mix of both. Mizuchi was the only one where she is white on the right side while black of the left side. She was very proud of herself being the only one but sometimes it gets lonely.

Right now, she has to finish this dumb homework before watching her favourite show on the television. 

Sometimes she wondered what's the point of homework if it means sacrificing your sleeping schedules and not having any time for fun.

If she was running this place, she would definitely ban homework for life!

She giggled at the thought of her envisioned dreams. Then again, the idea of becoming a Beastar would not be something she wanted no matter how much she wished things would go according to her way.

Because she believed that her way is the right way.

Her lifelong dream was to become a famous fashionista! In fact during her spare time, Mizuchi would save some money to buy some fabric and whatever she could get her paws on and tailored herself a new top, blouse and even pants for the weekends.

No one knew this except her two friends: Riley the black cat and Tanya the racoon.

Those two were her closest friends when she moved to Cherryton as a first year and they were inseparable. In fact, those two helped her pranked that Haru slut for preying on the boys that they liked. But that dwarf decided to go as far as having a romp with another harlequin rabbit?

She was not going to let anyone take everything from her when she worked so hard to get here!

Oh, they'll see....

Everyone must watch out for what's coming for them when she walked down the corridors, the courtyard or anywhere.

She will guarantee that!

Music of the NightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora