Whose Turn? ( leandralynx)

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Whose Turn?

Hilary and Tiger were racing, 

And nobody cared 

Or dared 

To get into their way.

So they arrived 

 At the Pit, 

The barkeeper not batting 

His eyes a bit.


Hilary jerked to a halt 

And scanned the room. 


Nowhere to be seen 

 Was her father 

 Which did her bother.

 Which did her bother

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Tiger was jumping around 

 To lift the mood. 

And the barkeeper noticed 

 after a while, pulling forth 

His harmonica with a smile. 

A happy tune. 

Heads turned around 

Drawn by that sudden sound. 

Hilary, unaware started to dance. 

"Shake!" she said, 

Offering Tiger her palms. 

Soon after, she squeezed 

His tiny paws.

Hands clapping, 

Even Dull Silver 

could not help 

But cheer.

 Circle after circle. 

Then Hilary dropped herself 

 Onto a stool and ordered 


 And water 

For her dancing partner.

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Forgotten the boy, 

The insults, 

 The basket. 

Silver wanted to compliment her. 

But before he could lift a finger, 

 She was gone. 


Dull Silver ran.

Busted Gulch vol. 13Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora