Watch and Learn (ARCase)

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Watch and Learn

Josie shook Jake awake, "Oh get up for Heaven's sake! Petra said you can't be late again! Get up, your shift will soon begin!"

Jacob grumbled a curse, this getting up early was the worst. His body was still trying to adjust alright.

During his circus life, he stayed up all night. Then slept until midday usually. Getting up with the sun will be the death of me.

He stumbled to the basin and had a quick wash, at least what he could with an audience, as Josie was putting in her two cents

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He stumbled to the basin and had a quick wash, at least what he could with an audience, as Josie was putting in her two cents. Complaining he stayed up too late, and that when school started, she wouldn't be around to keep him straight.

He swore some more when he remembered the goats. Just what he would need, eight more mouths to feed! Literally. He threw on some clothes he guessed were clean, well enough anyway. Planned to grab coffee and muffins on the way.

He asked Josie her plan for the day. Apparently, Gyn was helping her to prepare her wardrobe. The holidays were coming to an end and next week school would begin.

On the road, the children got their lessons from the wife of the animal trainer Gus. Her name was Delores, and she'd been a teacher in a schoolhouse proper for ten years until Gus made the offer.

After only knowing each other only a few days such a sensible lady to up and run away with the circus and got hitched to Gus too. A decade later, she still knew it had been the right move.

Jacob made a quick stop in the café. He grabbed some extra muffins along with his coffee. Never a bad thing to brown-nose your boss lady. Especially when she had access to heavy tools and your money.

He stopped into the stables, but thankfully, he didn't see Bella in the vicinity. He could feed the goats and muck their stall out real fast, then pop in the forge, no questions asked.

The goats were in a couple of pins. He threw them some hay in. They were a lively bunch with their bleatin'. He topped off their water troughs as well, then Bella walked in, oh hell. She gave him a no-good grin.

"Coffee for me? How sweet of you

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"Coffee for me? How sweet of you. Come find me when you are through mucking out their stalls. The goats need bathed, them all."

To add insult to injury, she stole his coffee.

Busted Gulch vol. 13Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora