It's Not Christmas Without You Rue (ARCase)

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It's Not Christmas Without You Rue

That didn't go well. 

Jacob joined Josie who strutted overlooking swell.

In a dress of red and white. She was quite a pretty sight.

Jacob took a deep breath. She was no longer a little girl,

And it scared him to death.

And it scared him to death

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He gave her a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"You look beautiful Josie."

"You like the dress? Gyn cut it down for me. You clean up nicely,

Is that suit you wore for Bea's last Birthday Soriee?"

Jacob glanced down at his brown suit of tweed. 

It fit him nicely indeed.

He nodded and held out his elbow, "Miss Craven, 

we should go. Allow me to escort you if you please."

"So no Ruechari? " asked Josie looking around with a frown.

"I'm afraid not. I couldn't convince Rue, 

but we can still have a good time just me and you."

Together brother and sister made their way to the town hall.

Where the Christmas Gala was already underway.

The town hall was decked out so fine. Complete with a buffet to dine.

Ribbons of red and green. Candles lighting the scene magnificently.

Wreaths and popcorn strings, and of course a Christmas tree.

Adorned with ornaments and holly too. 

All that seemed to be missing was Rue.

As a live band played a Christmas tune. It seemed most of BG,

Was present and dressed in their Christmas finery.

Gentlemen all washed in their best suits. 

Rosy-cheeked gals in gowns of reds, greens, and whites,

The excitement and cheer could be felt on this holiest of nights.

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