Resolve (baileygaines)

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 Bruce was in Tent City all alone, 

and well he knew 

that when he was alone, 

his thoughts grew and grew. 


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He was thinking of Lou. 

All she had done for him, 

and all she had done for his twin. 

He'd done nothing but make her life hard 

since she found him lying in wait for Buck outside her yard. 

"And yet she loved me. 

I still don't see how that could be." 

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All the men she had known, 

some sort of love she had shown. 

Shamus and Brody, Buck, and even Billy. 

She made them better men, really. 

"She saved my life, more than once or twice. 

And how did I repay her? Letting her die." 

Though the chances were slim, 

that bullet should have killed him. 

His crimes were now erased, 

thanks to the justice Lou chased. 


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And now he was married to Lou's sister. 

But Brandy didn't even need a mister. 

Why had she agreed to marry him? 

Had she? He tried to remember that night again. 

His memory only went so far. 

All he could remember was Brandy at the bar. 

Hands in his head, he set that problem aside. 

How to move on now that Lou had died? 

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"I had such hopes for you," 

had been the last words from Lou. 

Hopes that he would take Shamus's place 

and come in first in the information race. 

That plan was in motion, the men were on the way. 

Brandy should be returning later today. 

He decided to do everything 

as if Lou was right there watching. 

And just as he felt a sense of resolve, 

who came and grabbed the doorknob? 

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Brandy rushed in, hair hanging loose. 

"Thank God you're still here, Bruce!" 

She was followed by a man Bruce had never seen 

who stood by the door and took in the scene. 


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"What do you mean? Of course, I'm still here. 

Why would I have gone anywhere?" 

Brandy started to pace. "Something's not right." 

She stood still. "You have a twin brother, right?" 

Bruce's face paled. "Buck. Is he in trouble?" 

"I don't know...we need to find him on the double."

Busted Gulch vol. 13Where stories live. Discover now