Best Laid Plans (crazyp01)

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Best Laid Plans 

William crunched the ice 

and smiled into his glass 

the whiskey glistened like 

the first rays of the rising desert sun.

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Ewell was working the men

draining them of every dime's 

worth the warehouse had to be 

readyby the coming weekend.

Simon had brought the strangest news 

claimed this town was insane 

the mayor's wife was not only a baker 

but an ex-deputy with a suspicious vein. 


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Simon was put to work 

he needed to know more about BG folk 

and of the Tent City property 

And its real estate value.

CS poured him another drink 

While William continued 

mulling over his day 

and his next move.

The telegram would have reached

the Robert Brothers. 

They should be here 

with the consignment on Sunday.

He inspected his glass 

one last time 

and swallowed his drink 

in one shot.

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All the years of searching 

had come to an end at the gala. 

She has made some friends here 

and introduced William as her cousin.

"It's high time we had a talk." 

William made up his mind 

and strolled out the saloon 

heading to the newspaper office.

He opened the gate 

but stopped in his tracks. 

A man and woman stood at the door

in a deep embrace.

William gave a loud cough 

And the sheriff stepped aside

Caroline still in his arms, 

William was taken by surprise.

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"I've come at a bad time

to talk about the past. 

It can wait another day." 

William said leaving them fast. 

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